Look, I know you’re excited. I know you CAN feel it. We’re coming out of the despair that was the counterpoint to the hope we collectively accessed being on the right side of history 16 years ago.
I know that even for us who’ve found blessings in these days (often in spite of the energetic intent of them) it has sucked sometimes.
But it’s also par for the course.
I have trained myself to think of it eschatologically. To have an End of “Time” mind, or operate in ‘thousand years mode.
WTF is that?, you say? Well~… I’d like to introduce you to it.
If you’re a sucker for Story and read the bible as such you’ll see the victory at the end of Revelation isn’t the victory Until the devil gets let out of his holding pen & is given the opportunity to try to devour the ‘promised land’ you somehow made your way to and entered.
The ACTUAL climax is that… knowing your rights, your tribe, your heart and your God , you withstand all the bullshit that devil tries.
It’s all just another way of them trying to run the apocalypse and move the hand of God. You need to understand the psychology of those trying to topple your promised pure land.
The Final Rebellion
7 And when the thousand years are completed, Satan will be released from his prison (the abyss), 8 and will come out to deceive and mislead the [c]nations which are in the four corners of the earth—[including] Gog and Magog[Russia] —to gather them together for the war; their number is like the sand of the seashore. And they swarmed up over the broad plain of the earth and surrounded the camp of the saints (God’s people) and the beloved city [[d]Jerusalem]; but fire came down from heaven and consumed them. 10 And the devil who had deceived them was hurled into the lake of fire and burning brimstone (sulfur), where the beast (Antichrist) and false prophet are also; and they will be tormented day and night, forever and ever.
Revelation 20:7-10 Amplified Bible(Gog and Magog/Russia clarification, AB)
The point is… the ‘Devil’ does not go into that lake of fire with a full belly. He’s screaming in outrage over his hunger, over the sons of light finally refusing to be food or fodder for him anymore.
“Jesus” does defeat that “Devil” energy but I always read it as that defeat had alot to do with a kind of Christ consciousness pouring out of heaven and awakening in each of us.
Yep. ..lowkey “Woke-ism,” embedded in the very tale they’ve blindly consumed. Fire falling from heaven, enlightening them to the point of consumption. If you really want to scoot your noodle go down the “wormwood ” rabbithole and look into the only thing 90+% effective against the (…nevermind. Whole ‘nother post…y’all ain’t ready)…
When we realize Our hope is the divine contagion that kicks back the scourge of despair,
Us moving forward with our “works” in faith is running on the fires the naturally distilled immuniological antigens within us produce in our bellies out of a lust for life… not Death.
&What we have been dealing with is a death cult.

We can get rudimentary as fuck on this.
Real talk?
For a certain class of people who could never compete without stacking the deck & who are obscenely obsessed WITH competition solely because they have stacked said deck…Barrack Obama becoming the first Black president of the United States was the manifestation of hell on Earth.
These folks literally institutionalized racism after God made their eyes burn during the Reconstruction with the reality of how Effortless it was For Black people to live the same kinds of lives as them, civic and otherwise.
They did that to try to make sure they never again saw a wave of civic minded people of color navigating & winning in a game they didn’t want us in outside of owning us as property to build their wealth upon.

They thought they’d rigged the world so well with Jim Crow that it could never happen again. They humble-bragged about Hitler being inspired by what they did to Black People here to diminish them. For decades.
That’s WHY they leaned on that middle name shit hard post-9/11.To these traditional “Christian Nationalists” who read the bible but can’t read for shit or they’d KNOW they were the bad guys…it WAS a Holy War.

The OBAMAS of the world were the manifestation of the Sons of Darkness that racist overlords pontificated to them about in their darkened pew huddles, calling their brainwashed audiences the sons of light due to their lily white skin, using us vs them as a lullaby as they emptied their pockets, then pointed at those ‘other guys’ with darker skin somehow not having ANY of the issues they were having at all as the culprits.

Our joy being full then, our audacious acceptance of ourselves as equal stewards of this world we lived in drove these fuckers crazy with hatred and anger… which simply boils down to violent, abject terror.
Those who’ve rigged the game to be feared were terrified of their greatest fears becoming reality… so they puked up the worst of themselves, defensively. Like a dying alien organism exploding its host body to spread its spores of hatred out into the atmosphere to reach all those wired to be easily infected.
And they have been full frontal with what that fear is as they marched through the streets.
We will not be erased! We whitewash you guys out of history! You don’t get to do that to us!
By you just being all happily out there living your lives we can’t ignore our despair!
tiki torch motherfuckers
Trump was & is the indigestion. .. the gut level spasmodic belching of a system retching with disbelief that all their tricks of yore didn’t work…and that America really is closest to being able to Walk it like it has Talked it for its 250 some odd years… for EVERYONE.
Kid Rock roared it best at the RNC.
I know it stinks in here, because Trump’s the shiiiiiit!!
Kid Rock, speaking on the olfactory expression of the Dutch ovening of America that Trump is.
But one thing shit will do…is fertilize things.
I am saying all this to say that… when you look at all of this in a thousand year mode…it looks like they balked at the good and… for the first time openly embraced the root they were after it. They just viewed all their darkness as light. Just like their “good book” says the bad guys in their epic would.
They were gamely “given the floor” by God as it were, in a cosmic, weirdly “go ahead, do your worst~” spirit.
The brunt of us were horrified & heartbroken… howling “Hell Nah! The fuck is this shit?! Where did all this festering shit come from?!”
It came from within.
&it had to come out because it was killing us.
DO y’all understand that… with Trump at the helm, and them “having the ability” to lead the societal movement and manifesting any way they choose… these fuckers launched a fucking global pandemic that they mostly infected and killed themselves off with (stateside), got caught bankrolling the opioid epidemic that killed scores of their lower rungs, shoved brown kids in cages, burned books…and tried … literally ran FOUR zombie outbreak due to supposedly laced drugs ‘CDC tests’ on the beleaguered populace?
… y’all forgot about all those zombie drugs and bath salts meltdowns, didn’t ya?
That was them in charge.
That was how far they ran from the light of Hope Eight years with Obama at the helm wrought.
All this fucked logic with the House of Representatives stonewalling themselves, all this mess we see exhibited by Trump regarding that border bill… STARTED with folks feeling from the mitochondrial impulses of racist meemaws lost to history & doing all in their power to try to once again Stop Reconstruction energy from ever rooting down within the hearts of people of color in America. Those same fucked to the bone marrow impulses led to them backing those judges that overturned roe v wade to re-stake a claim on the female body just as much as it led to Project 2025, which is just them making a living document to bring hell to fruition in a firmer way if they ever get the reins again. They’d rather hell on earth, long as they get to have dominion over the earth they scorched to achieve it.
…Which brings us to now.
On the far side of a demagogue who staged his own assassination attempt to curry twisted sympathy votes as he watched his cult followers falling off.
He knew his audience.
He knew the ruddiest of the rubes were going to point to his survival as a second coming.
He did not know… his period of running amok post one thousand years was up.
So what now, right?
DON’T force Anyone to “do” something in all this upswing of civic duty/ amplified democratic energy.
You don’t want to encourage performative posturing in those around you. That’s how 2016 happened. Everyone was shockingly shucking and jiving ‘for progress’ in the streets and voting in loving memory of ole brainwashed into respectability poverty politics racist meemaw in the voting booths.
Let your light shine loudly & tend to it so those you’re to enlighten will be warmed by your sun.
But just…Let people BE.
And…pay attention to those around you who don’t care. But not in judgment.
The judgment is how all this them vs us rhetoric has seeped into everything since 2016.
Do it this time in awareness … of who and where they are.
Because what it comes down to is they don’t want to fester. That’s WHY they charged out into the light when Bumblecore gave them permission to be.
Tolkienheads, help me out…weren’t Orcs even once just corrupted Elves?
I’m not talking letting motherfuckers be leavening with their nonsense…. but let the light of latter days be the healing solarium it can be for them.
The last way for them to wake up To healing and burn off this rabid fear of being woke… is to watch those lit up with light, life and joy not burning up right before their eyes as they sit on the sidelines.
We can’t kick the ones tapping into troglodyte DNA vibes back into caves of discontent. If we do they’re just going to fester down in there & eventually reload in folks our progeny will have to combat.

The death cult reveres a God of transmogrification.
The Apocalypse in the tale ends with a new beginning for those who do survive…
A changing occurs that allows them to walk in roads of peace they’d thought were a lie for so long.
Remember… in your joy… that in some ways once…you did too. Think the relief you get to feel over things you feared was impossible, a lie..
In your own stream of thought.
On something.
ESPECIALLY if you were ever caught up in boxing With them throughout all of this.
Being triggered to fight speaks to wrestling within every time, facing off with things we’re being called to get clear on within ourselves.
…just saying lol. “There but for the grace of God goethe I” ain’t a colloquialism for the brunt of us anymore, is it?
We’ve ALL seen some shit living through this.
Wasn’t that one of the most horrible aspects of all of this? Watching people we’d always absently known to be relatively sane Embrace all that vitriol? And what is the first thing you’ve heard MAGAts in whataboutism mode scream at any point of provocation? “…those liberals do the same thing~”
& Alot of times they were spot-on, whether you can admit with the 2 times the broken clocks were in the flow of things or not.