GB SATURDAZE: Shaolin Exercise Chan Yuan Gong by Master Shi Heng Yi of Shaolin Temple Europe in Deutschland
GB Saturdaze : Watch “How To Achieve SUCCESS And Eliminate DISTRACTIONS – Master Shi Heng Yi” on YouTube
GB Saturdaze :Watch “Adding Content to Form: Breathing (Methods) & Intention in Qi Gong Practice” on YouTube
StillHERE2021. GB Woosah sonic Wednesdays (Globalboho sonic/sonar/sounds 2.1): “Manifest Miracles, Calm The Mind, Remove All Negative Blocks & Release Stressors” on YouTube
GBLockdown like Levar Burton at-home Library Wednesdays […Like~let’s actually READ those fn books we stacked. Collectively]
GB Saturdaze: Watch “易筋經 · Yi Jin Jing (1-12 · Full Explanations) · ИЦзиньЦзин +Subtitles” on YouTube
GBLockdown like Levar Burton at-home Library Wednesdays […Like~let’s actually READ those fn books we stacked. Collectively]
StillHERE2021. GB Woosah sonic Wednesdays (Globalboho sonic/sonar/sounds 2.1): “222Hz 20Hz 2Hz Full Body HealingㅣShining AuraㅣRestore healthy lightㅣRemove blocked body energy.” on YouTube