One of the biggest shifts I’ve experienced in my life is choosing to give things in life a new meaning. When I started to change the way I saw my past… I became free of it. Simply because I changed the meaning and saw how my past led me to more growth.

Aaron Doughty

Meaning in life is up to you. I know, it may be scary to know that...But it’s also one of the most liberating and freeing realizations there is. That’s how powerful you really are.

Aron Doughty

Bashful after that 45°~ish dayUp had FireGuys show up in dreams,all "We see your 💓but can ya warm it up a leetle? 😏Cuz geez, Woman!😉

AngelBrynner, all "as yew wish~" & such.

Move from believing into real vibrational Knowledge.

Michael B. Beckwith

The point is in the present moment, in enjoying it now, anyways.

Aaron Doughty

Everyone in your life is reflecting back the love energy inside of you. Everyone you meet is reflecting back whatever energy you have activated in you. ( if you don't want that energy in your life , de-activate it in you).

Aaron Doughty (AngelBrynner)

You've imagined crazier things that turned out to be true.

Put yer psychic shit to some good use, for fucks sake.

Said wearily, yet affectionately.

AngelBrynner, owning that she's a dark hippie lol, but an effective one.

Follow your energy & you'll find yourself drawing those who will reflect back that energy shift.

Aaron Doughty