Bring presence to your being present…so you can absorb the present.
I headed up drenched in determination to handle this today. & I went where the maps led me…to something that simply was not there.
An outright bait & switch, it seemed. Or could seem. It actually was obvious to me that how I saw this would define everything.
SO…I took it as a playful test under a hot sun.
One intended to get me to what this was truly about.
I asked for help. Intent on finding it in the local patois lol. And I was understood…
[(*geeked*) sommayall understand].
That understanding produced more mind boggled folks who were as “noooow thaaat makes no sense” as I was, in search of-wise.
It was like a comical treasure hunt in another tongue, with drunken off the sun guides who actually called listings & wrinkled noses at weird messages they received in lieu of contact. & there I was, grinning like a kid because I was catching all of it, not a drop of “leavening” in me to open up the course.
Was running on nothing but the longing.
A mouthful. Of desire, of intent. Determination.
For the love of real copal, from the source. Eons after I’d released the resin to protect one who needed it more than I did.
I’d never seen it from the source. Until I saw the image that set me off on my pilgrimage, spiritual eyes stretching my stomach with every step towards it, in search of.
I am one of those Christian as F mofos to be sure, but one who embraces it ” ye are all gods, children of the most High” style. I crossed, and energies this realm compels still sleeping ones to worship & serve claimed me as kin across the board.
There’s no infighting, only love of the realm God emboldens us to let our freak flags fly in as his big- headed children.
Daft or not, divine.
Sometimes I just be goin with it, too. Oblivious to how it looks outside, in because I’m enjoying the fucking ride from within. & it gets me geeked walking Into understanding deeper what God’s getting up to across me.
I wandered into a place called “see Holy” grinning, all “whatcha got for me, pops?” He showed me, sending me to the church, blushgrinning back. I said a goodbye to a spirit on my heart here, crossed myself & passed through.
Got sent down a road that was paved with past passionfruit and mezcal and into an altar where I was asked to choose my pending path with my heart…and then grabwhat is necessary to consecrate my ship either way.
Reminding me of the step I’d moved out in search of having skipped with a bendecir.
Sweetly mollified, willing to go back to where this trek had begun with new eyes since all drunken Virgils re-underscored that it should be there, I set back out, feeling appreciated and appropriately suited & booted. Half a block from returning to that dead end, one of those holy aforementioned siblings comically shoved me into a gallery, passing two people until I was face to face with a Buddhaboy. Who grinned at me like he’d been expecting me.
I told him of the spot I couldn’t seem to find and he cracked up and then went into this joyful praise dance regarding how cool and wiiiild and crazy the kids running said spot was, basking in all the things they’d brought into the space, tucked behind a courtyard.
My jaw dropped.
My first dayUp here I’d wandered out early. Empty, pristine, about to be hot . I’d not only wandered into this courtyard beyond a courtyard… I’d felt paused to get my bearings Right in front of this space. Like, had stopped. Had absently looked around it & murmured “I’ll be back to see you” to the spirit vibing there, not even looking up AT the names of the spots.
I walked in and IT was like welcome back.
I was just like…*.
We chatted as I explored and only upon finding what had called me (back) here did I explain what had occured.
But as if to hammer it home, as I sat crosslegged on the floor communing with copal to find the bunker of it that had called me this far to claim it, she went “Oh!& these just came in-”

She had gathered in her hands the ones I had let go of in a show of love, just smaller. Multiplied, but smaller.
I looked at what I had let go of, then down at what was happily heavy in my lap & hooted lol.
… because it means “Guhd Jahb.”
Lol as only One could whisper to one.