…i love Steak tartare. It’s one of my summer mainstays.
& when I’m really feeling mahself… and not feeling like being EYEBALL to eyeball with a raw egg yolk jiggle-watching me carnivore tf out in a heatwave … I will do the trick above… emulsifying the egg yolk with some good mustard & then great olive oil that you add all you want in your tartare TO.
it is a gamechanger.
Some posh French may balk… they’d surely pitch a fit over the absence of cornichons & capers all “evile americaine, hohn Hohn hohn !”… but that’s due to the fridge, not the chef, mes petits chous et pedales~
J’adore cornichons et capers( ou whatever le Francais pour le caper eez outside of zee pink Panther~)!

… the kalamata olives & cheese were blasphemous, inhibitions-free riffs seen on others- like cook avec Dan- that I had to try out of curiosity. I may not go back. It’s that good.
A Nicoisian(?) dude I used to cook with would possibly appreciate my dressing angle riff on his gruff instruction but would probably be like ” Vhut are you, Hawaiian, what eez thes? BEEF POKÈ? HOHNhohnhohn~”
… but he’d taste it & be like “oh,Putin!” & fn devour it like he ate everything else😁.
There’s a youtube french academy guy obsessed with meat grinding(not the violet the organ grinder way) who also goes the dressing route…so that may be the way and I just gravitated towards savages back when I first learned to make it who were a bit rough around the edges about it.
What else? Lol grating radishes in the absence of quality daikon on the road is becoming a way of life, as is soy sauce with it, which iii think i picked up from a hot Russian- the logic is sim to sushi on those two. For me, anyway.