Something has been made clear as day lately everywhere I turn. In an actionable way. There is no divide now. But with the erasure of that divide there is something else that is very apparent.
And it is bluntly encapsulated in the ‘reactive discussion’ around the Gus incident, Tim Walz’s son.
Hear ye, hear ye!!Everything is over.
Not just because there was a class of people who took hard and fast “weirdo & worse” pot shots at a kid crying with pride over his dad before finding out the kid was neurodivergent…because they’re so wounded and insecure over being called weird due to their literal behavior.

Not just because their behavior sent home in a hard, globalized way the miasma that this country is waking up from, where attacking & mocking the disabled was modeled by a clown from the top, down.

Nor just because of their stupefying shock at the backlash for having done that tagging them in real time.

Everything is over because no matter how high any of those attackdogging folks have been able to climb in their careers… there was no way to hide that they literally have a chunk of programming missing.
This isn’t a “how dare they attack Gus?!” Post. There’s enough people reading them for the filth they are.
This is a nudge to… look deeper at what you have just witnessed in all this.

There are some humans milling amongst us that have NO idea what actual Love looks and feels like, that Love ugly cries for grief and sorrows as broadly as joy & happiness. Those who know love saw the first thing that spewed out of that wet faced kid was “That’s my Dad! That’s MY dad!” &it momentarily crumpled everyone of us into some variant of snot-streaming, happy for him wrecks. Those who are missing hardware had not even the faintest whiff of what they were in reality watching.
I believe those who’ve had the hardware in question ripped out of them As kids were triggered by Gus. That heartfelt emotion flagged every insecurity they had- which is the real reason they instantly took it back to the word “weird.”
When the world calls them weird, they feel like the world is seeing them the disparaging way they saw Gus. They brought all of that to witnessing that event. To fill it. Because otherwise there was nothing there.

But… this is over…to me because everyone’s malice was not due to past childhood trauma of being punched in the face or locked in a room when they’d cried like that, for good or for bad.
Some of the malignant, malicious vitriol spewing folks knew exactly what that was pouring out of that kid…& they are hardwired against it. Diametrically opposed to it.

& It was out there for all with eyes to see.
There’s been a different species milling about the entire time & a lot of spiritual folks have known it and BEEN moving accordingly.
Something special’s been afoot for a while. An almost un-sanctioned honing in of the collective eye, seemingly against the overall will. Like a hardware upgrade. Or firewall install.
I really feel that it was the one boon of everyone having to wear those awful masks, besides ya know, escaping death.

Suddenly all you had to go on was what your retina picked up across the upper part of a person’s face, from six feet away.
That is what helped amplify all the ascension and waking up we all saw.
AND ALL THAT CRAZED PUSHBACK AGAINST wearing THEM was also actually just KEYED against that aforementioned amplification.

The eyes truly Are the windows to the truth of the soul. & the thinly veiled demons under the skins of some folks did NOT want that outing. That’s why it was more than just not wearing masks. It was making those around them show love & loyalty by not wearing masks too, even as they defiantly dropped off in droves, taking full households with them at times. Because they’d been assigned as such & weren’t leaving without them.
There has been darker than darkness looming on all sides of this shit for a while.
… Dartmouth has been tracking the up ticking of people seeing deeper than they were supposed to be able to since 2021, regarding Prosopometamorphopsia. (PMO), also known as “demon face syndrome”, is a rare neurological condition that causes people to see faces as distorted, grotesque, or demonic.
Key word: Tracking.
But 2024 has been different.
Because…we’re at a tipping point.
In 2024…more and more scales are lifting and more and more people are seeing… the true natures of those they’re dealing with in broad daylight.
For me? Ann Coulter has always been a thinly veiled… whatever. Plain as day. She’s never hidden her scaly hide well, IMO.
But it is in the broad spectrum of Others finally fully seeing that inner repugnance splayed across her pallid face… Recognizing her for what she is… that the silence I’ve been enjoying is steeped.

That event horizon of her tellingly trying to sacrifice Gus Walz for EXHIBITING HONEST, HEARTFELT, UGLY CRYING LOVE FOR HIS DAD like she was paying obeisance to Moloch himself, sucking off Ba’al for even the slightest smidgen of some of that spotlight the DNC was refracting out into the world… was not just a watershed moment.
It popped the They Live glasses on a whole new swath of “aghast at actual inhumanity on display” folks who were utterly disgusted by her.

On an international scale.
Her words were but a little dart. & her spirit knew enough not to be recorded on camera Saying it, it seems.
But when everyone traveled back to her stream to cuss her out… the truth was on full display. They finally SAW what she was & trilled that trilliest trill:

Burn Her!!

The resolution? Oh. There is no resolution. Only awareness and readiness. And that side has equipped y’all with a lot of weaponry that has nothing to do with the fight. Even has made all kinda propaganda hipping you to the fact they gave you bad intel. I … feel like I’ve already said…too much.
(looks around nervously…)
[*Feed Lost*]
Please Be advised. The cloaking tech is no longer working in the simulation. Angels are no longer in disguise. Neither are Demons. Move accordingly.& Godspeed.
The Operator.