You will not see them leave this alone. And it will be for reasons they will be diametrically opposed to understanding. You must understand why, especially if any of this noise is getting you confused about the actual issues.
The volatile reactions that you will see popping off in certain people will not be based in rationality.
They will be based in screeching ancestral…mitochondrial guilt, blatantly coupled with stupidity within their own rigged game that they are trying to keep playing.

Their blood is comically boiling because in a very real sense… they are outraged. They thought their heinous ancestors had already handled all of this.
Title of this essay aside, I am not going to deep-dive the reclassification scourges of the now typically referred to as Black populaces in the 19th century of the United States of America. This is a subject matter that, if even a modicum of interest arises within you, you yourself should take it upon you to deep dive, especially if you find yourself calling yourself an ally yet somehow often find yourself mired in what you know would be classified as anti-black thought and/or rhetoric if anyone could listen to the rumblings going on within you.
Who shot the dawg version?
These racist motherfuckers burned ALOT of birth certificates that showed the true pedigree of the peoples they enslaved north and south of the Mason-Dixon Line.
This was a concise effort that was backed by the United States government as they championed the Trail of Tears, the kidnapping of free Black peoples from the North to bring to the south, and the kinds of murders and conspiracies detailed in the Killers of the Flower Moon Scorsese movie as draconian land rights rules were officially adopted by this country.
The implementation of the $5 Indian scam of White europeans paying the government Five dollars to be put on the Dawes Roll to fill it after the true Native Americans were mercilessly wiped out is a known fact.
What is not known is that not only were there Aboriginal Americans who’d be classified as “black” today, there were also Black Slaves who were owned by the five so-called civilized tribes pre-civil war, who chose to give those slaves Freedmen status IN their tribes and eventually full citizenship within the tribe, starting with the Cherokee in like 1863. You hear Black folks “knowing” about Cherokee blood in them from either side of this.
So when you hear racist whites balk against “Black” folks calling themselves quarter Cherokee, it’s partially ignorance on their part[ some really do not know history] and partly a twisted game of keep away[ by those who actually do know about things like this].
The Dawes Commission, established in 1893 to enforce the General Allotment Act of 1887 (or the Dawes Act), was charged with convincing tribes to cede their land to the United States and divide remaining land into individual allotments. The commission also required Indians to claim membership in only one tribe and register on the Dawes Rolls, what the government meant to be a definitive record of individuals with Indian blood.
The Curtis Act, passed in 1898, targeted the Five Civilized Tribes (Cherokee, Choctaw, Chickasaw, Creek and Seminole), forcing them to accept allotments and register on the Dawes Rolls. The two acts—which came during a “period of murky social context” after the Civil War when white and black men were intermarrying with Native American women, aimed to help the government keep track of “real” Indians while accelerating efforts to assimilate Indian people into white culture, Smithers said.
My grandparents’ parents were running around the Deep South during this period. This is something that I see as a fortuitous blessing because long before they kicked up the nonsense to force Black Americans to claim the misnomer African American in the late 80s I was being watched by a grandfather born in 1909 and a grandmother born in 1916 of what would now be seen as openly mixed ancestry.
I don’t know what my elder brother’s experience was because his known battle lines were wild enough as it was due to being light-skinned like his father. I doubt there was room for the same nuance I was confronted with all the time. Ditto for my younger sister, who had issues of her own acclimating to being mainstreamed post- AB therapeutic early education. I also have No idea what my parent’s experiences were on all this, outside of the racism they dealt with growing up that was thoroughly rooted in jealousies within the community in general.
But when it came to me, those two grandparents were routinely tasked with talking me through my rage after listening to my griping over ” as black” schoolmates migrating from othering me due to my test scores to sizing up my diffidence to that othering [“So y’all idiots are believing them when they say Black= illiterate? That’s on your asses.” ] and then also perniciously coming at me for seeing something in my hair, skin and structure that did not look like what they saw in the mirror or amongst their own families.
In fourth grade they went from calling me an Oreo to trash-talking me for “euphemistically” obviously having “Indian” in me…and my Black ass was pissed. Because I was Already knee deep in Long house peoples nerding out and was insulted they were already so brainwashed that they stupidly mistook “Indian” as pejorative. But it was my grandparents who respectively got across to me that what I was having to fend off wasn’t the new thing that it had been for me, but this had been a work that had been afoot a long time in the “Black” community that I was just receiving the latest iteration of.
I’ve written at length about the day my Virgo grandmother of a virgo mother sat me down and snarled at me as though she was catching the souls of the kids who’d been trying to harass me through me.
YOU have all five races within you. None of them are better than the other. All of it was by choice. & you better Never let anyone talk you out of your OWNERSHIP of that richness. YOU stand on ALL of it, and if they want to fight you about it, you better knock them out.
…my mean ole grandma, Virgo of virgos, talking sense into her gruff but goofy Virgo grand baby with a temper, coming as close to cussing my ass out and back into line as a Jehovah witness could in 1984.
She came to that rage righteously. Imagine being more mixed than Kimora Lee Simmons in early 20th century America. Her mother was Chinese & had her with an Irish & Black man before they’d both gone their separate ways and remarried. She knew the beast I was up against because it went down in-house for her. ALL her younger siblings on her mother’s side were more black like her second husband and also jealous and mean as fuck. She got no familial peace until her siblings through her dad found her decades later and loved her instead of hated her-
Hold up, Glyph! WHAT ON EARTH DOES THIS HAFTA DO WITH THE RACIAL OUTRAGE/ETHNIC DEBATE AGAINST KAMALA HARRIS?? Don’t you realize you’ve got the “wrong” Indian?! geez-!
cough* I am glad you asked so boisterously.
What it has to do with all that is this:
These MAGA people were literally Raised to be stupid when it came to this. For generations.
And the system constructed by their demonic antecedents did the heavy lifting to keep all this going for their parent’s parents, so it was passed down innocuously.
YOU think…you are watching them spin out over her mother being Indian, her dad being Jamaican…and her calling herself Black AND Indian.
I propose that is not what you are really watching.
IF that was what you were really watching…and it was a reaction in them from a place of outraged intelligence …
WHERE in India the family of the mother of Kamala Harris is from would be taken into intellectual account, as well as the actual makeup of the blood of 99% of people with Jamaican ancestry like Harris’s father.
& if that were done… all bets would be off when it came to them even trying to MAKE this befuddled and thick-tongued point they are breaking their necks to nail.
First up: The mother of Kamala Harris.
Long story told in broad, beginner strokes: Technically, in India, the people of Tamil Nadu to this day are often on the receiving end of brutal in your face racism over their dark skin. I’m talking to depths that these CRT morons grandparents would LOVE to be the societal norm here in 2024. They are reeling due to the scares of centuries of the caste system being at play where the Aryans moved in on the Dravidian population and co-opted the entire Dravidian culture as if it were originally Aryan (Ancient appropriation like a motherfuck) making those who were the highest in the Dravidian system the lowest in the Aryan system. Look into the untouchables caste in India if you would like more information on what that conquering wrought in india, long before the British showed up.
I truly believe many Indian immigrants not dealing with the traumatic culture load of that whilst finding their ways to the United States brain-drain-wise is what is at the root of well-known racism beefs between Indians of India and Black Americans. Though not as ruthless as it once was due to serious inroads made, the caste system in India is alive and well in the 21st century.
Secondly: The Jamaican father of Kamala Harris.
The ethnic admixture happily afoot in Jamaica is Subsaharan African, European[often Irish],Taino or native carib “Indian” and Chinese. How did so many “Chinamen” end up In Jamaica? Once again, if this piques you I’ll allow space for you to do your own exploration but , contrary to popular belief it was not JUST the offshoot of those who became the so-called Delta Chinese that stayed in the south following the joining of the east and west coast via the railroads, who in turn were promised to be paid for their labor on plantations in the absence of emancipated blacks… that never were, and rioted on the way to making enclaves of their own all over the south that somehow led to lil ole me. Another factor was the British Empire’s indentured servitude whathaveyous WITH China that gave those of Chinese descent working in Jamaica a way forward into freedom that America really only gave to the Irish that they lambasted and terrorized every step of the way.
So you have two primarily indentured servant clusters (Chinese & Irish)alongside two outright enslaved clusters (the Taino and the prisoner of war stolen “africans” […which was ALSO a blatant slight of hands catastrophe, because many of those so-called Africans were actually the traumatized and tortured offspring of Aboriginal Black Americans reshuffled from the mainland TO the Caribbean because that was more lucrative to undertake than faring the transatlantic currents]. But that’s a whole other post lol).
Point is, if these fucks who we KNOW are so vehemently anti-miscegenation on all fronts that the Supreme Court is even trying to stealthily roll back the civil rights won by Loving vs Virginia alongside all the other civil rights fought for in the 60s…
fucks screaming from the hilltop about white wives and blocking their women from aborting their kids even when their last name is fucking FUENTES or they’ve named their firstborn son Vivek…
If they…would look into the true paternity of the father of Harris OR the racial root of the mother of Kamala Harris, what we’d be seeing instead of all this rabble-rousing ignorant ranting is this:
My theory?
My theory is that the MAGA louts are too dull to recognize that what the old bad blood in them is actually roaring against is this old, fucked up song fighting to separate Indian and Black so that the will of racist whites can forever rise.

That song, loaded with all the malfeasance of their ancestors … is shaking them to the bone marrow.
There was never any backup plan for the possibility of all the horrible things they willfully did ever being let out of the bag. That’s why they burnt the birth records.
They are physically ill-equipped to process this even as a rudimentary concept in their reptilian, fear-soaked brains because they have been raised for generations with blinders on.
Those of you here reading here… know there is a difference between The Black & Indian mentioned on the cover of this great book and the Black and Indian that they really can ONLY process coming to fruition in Kamala Harris IF it was able to be done pejoratively. If she’d been hiding her Blackness Imitation of Life style, her run could be stopped by outing her as such.
But those of you here also know that Christopher Columbus’s dumb ass truly thought he’d made it TO India when he hit the Caribbean. Not even America. Ever. Motherfucker never touched land, but is the reason all the Aboriginal Americans living IN America were misnomered as Indians. He literally died so flagrantly on that hill that the powers in play were like “eh, fuck it. Let him have this. But we Aren’t naming it fucking Columbusia.”
So in a very…rudimentary, ignorant-assed way… to old racist cells in floppy, flabby bodies…there probably is not that difference behind the veil. Only hatred. Hatred of the Idea of Black and Indian coming “together” in any way whatsoever after Generations of tangible and psychological fuckery to keep them apart.
What their fucked up , bleating MAGA souls are seeing in Vice President Kamala Harris as a presidential possibility… is the final nail in a coffin their lineages have been half living in the past twenty years as it is, even as their own “Caucasian ” brethren evolve, many taking back the cultures their grandparents had to whitewash in order for them to even arrive where they currently are as they make such calls.
The fight against INCLUSION is the losing battle of a Kingpin who’d rather die in a firefight than live out the rest of his days deposed, taking as many stupid acolytes and vehement opposers out with him as he can.