Brand new day, indeed.
I live in Feiyues, and it was love at first sight.
I grew up in converse low tops, high heeled sandals & combat boots. & with an acute aversion to Nikes, Reeboks & the like.
Motherfuckers in my grade got kilt for those bad boys. & they still wore them , which I always found stupid. Then again, I had a shoe-addicted big brother(all the men(&of course, women) in my family were shoe esthetes lol) so the logics of sneakerheadisms soaked in via osmosis. But we didn’t have sports outside of dance at my school.
When I got my first crush beyond Chuck-
The suddenly Doubled price tag of 1992 (because people found out about’em again) to which I said fuck chuck-
It was on pairs of Gorgeous, streamlined sneaker cleats that I ‘urbanized’ [read: wore to school & kicked artboyz with despotically to show dominance and then had to figure out how to run sans turf in’em]

& wrestling boots that shop dudes curtly refused to sell me even with my feet being almost as big as theirs…due to my SUPPOSEDLY blasphemous “they’re not frickin’ street shoes, kid!” intentions.

I was happily in cleats for half a decade, almost. Until onitsuka tigers introduced themselves to me & set up shop.

Thanks in part to Japan, probably. I had no interest in Asics until them, & then was in the various taichi ones like an effete, latent sneakerhead until Kill Bill, volume one. I think I went through like 3 of those goldenrod babies.

Now? I get that a lot of it was design. Because I fell kinda hard for barefoot runners too as time marched on.

I have long, pretty Egyptian feet. That wanted to be as unencumbered as possible in shoes.

& I like being wily road runner-y when I do activate lol.
Most sneakers just seemed like folks trying pillows onto their ankles to me. And only recently has science backed me up.
I “got” the I wish I was a little bit taller, I’d be a great baller gimmick-

especially when dude’s sneakers became cloaked high heels for mofos second Only to hiking boots. Check for yourself. Most guys sneakers these days clock in at 1 & 3/4″ heel minimum.
Movement…Just never felt practical in them. They felt as impractical as wedge heels that ruin your gait & ensure many issues awaiting your pieds down the road if you aren’t careful. For your feet to be fully functional sneakers with all kinds of foam and layered soles just explained why so many people are so physically moved when they start grounding. The earth and it’s magnetic field are our friends, I promise.

Until Feiyues.
I say love at first sight(2018, autumn, the Headlands) but it was really at first spin. The design was simple, sleek & cuter than the converse I could never fully bring myself to return to all the way. But the aerodynamics of the shoe might explain why Shaolin Monks f ureakin’ live in them a lot of the time.

I put’em on, spun around & within a week I was road tripping down to Venice to break them in at a party, flying.
Maturity is these are my first high tops by choice ones. Wisdom lol. That revealed itself this Septemberian season. Purely Fashist. Supported wilyness as I meander towards wrapping the second quarter lol.

Patience because they seemed to take soooo long to arrive this time. But only because I’d already gotten them in my head but couldn’t retire my red warriors to the vault yet because Those buggers I’d waited Years for, in my size, availability-wise. They deserved the Valhalla they received. Because I took them to task.