Men in this country having been bowing down to the antics & wiles of men who have glorified being irresponsible as the epitome of manhood in lieu of having ever learned to BE men for four generations.
Their fathers were fucked in the head…yet still rule over them from within their own heads.
Trump’s psychosis and spoiledness is all that.
& they’ve manifested a culture of guys running in this childish male mentality of he who has the most toys wins, brandishing everything as objects to piss on territorially, miserable in their own skin.
Those guys driving the bus have openly disregarded, derided, disrespected and tried to diminish the dudes Like Walz busting their asses being real men.
If those guys are in the spotlight & controlling the beam it casts, good guys live in the shadows.
Luckily, God’s good guys are not being good for the gram… they’re just good men, in the shadows or the sun.
Doesn’t mean that they don’t fuck up. Doesn’t mean they don’t fail or break your heart occasionally as they’re figuring out their own shit…we all do that. & sometimes the shit we do and that has been done To us feels unforgivable.
It means that they know how to get back up from their fucked plays, retrace their steps and find ways to repair them so they can effectively move forward.

These “incels”… are realizing their heros are the actual Incel Menace… that these preening dudes have nothing of value to offer them when it comes to readying them to live fulfilling lives in the real world by being examples of anything but eventual degradation and sidelining.

It’s not the women the “incels” hate at close range are shit. It’s the men they have seen as heroes fuck & loudly brandish their shitty choices in women…& the fatherless incel kid reads those women For what they are…and go around assuming all women are that.

Seeing those type of women as what they are has been easy… but they’ve been blinded by adulation into not seeing the scummy nature of the guys they look up to.
The biggest issue of cognitive dissonance for the “incel” class has arisen in trying to stamp real women with the “ideal” characteristics these broken men have upheld.
Real women have just been utterly refusing to be the shit the boys have reflected onto them regardless of what is really there.

And as guys who’ve grown used to cybernetically feeding themselves fucked in the head and ass female archetypes go out into the real word running that script, some chicks have punitively been cashing in, due to the high crime of the insult, despotically punishing the boys for asking that transactional shit of them.
Don’t hate the player, hate the game.
Which reloads the virus…making it look like the lil pissy prince with the mic was right.

…because Billy’s got a cousin whose best friend treated a bitch like shit and she fleeced him for it.
Their parasocial daddies can’t be wrong … because their close-range fathers have already failed them.
& they are terrified their fragile egos won’t withstand another testosterone blow. So they shut down in misogynistic huddle-puddles that real women avoid stepping in (& on) like the plague.
And they have been doomed… because nothing was breaking that feed fulla fucked up guys raised by fucking monsters grabbing the mic in outrage over the wounds their own fathers left them by thre side of the road reeling from, the blind angrily leading the blind.

It took the most qualified Presidential candidate in US history happening to be a black woman…
[ that liberal white women wanted to position instead as a mammy to suck the teat of so they could go back to sleep without doing the work of fixing what they collectively fucked up in 2016 (whole nother post… that I’m not going to make, benefit of doubt given till 11/⁶) ]
…to cut through the psychological madness afoot in Trumpism that was infecting all kinds of once sane folk suddenly flung into working out Daddy issues giving that fucker pass after pass once he grabbed the mic.
She picked a partner in leadership that could fill the shoes truly collectively left outside these doors when mofos were supposedly just heading out for milk.
Walz isn’t a unicorn.
He’s not some equation correction or some sorely needed antidote or cure for all that ails us.
Walzs is the work.
He’s literally the culmination of the work put in, to feel right in your skin when you look in the mirror as a man.
…that’s really why so many are cheering. We RECOGNIZE THE REAL in Walz. Because in our heart of hearts we all know this shit takes fucking work.
Just Ask. ASK Those men he coached in high school, those guys who followed him into the national guard…He wasn’t spending his life giving out trinkets to remind folks of him having given down the road, or lying to their faces about shit they came to him about to get rings kissed in shows of loyalty. He gave out wisdom, mentoring. He was standing with dudes figuring out their shit in their spheres of interest day by day.
& He got no tangible gold from that besides possibly sleeping really well at night, and knowing his community knew what Type of man he was, it seemed.
Until the men he has helped figure out their own roads to rooting down in themselves to Be MEN…started casting their crowns at his feet…for the love of God he showed them.

For all of us to see.
Whether we want to be or not, we are examples to one another.
& what we do to others decides the kind of crowns we’re going to eventually be known for.
Some of us have been doing fucked up shit to other people for so long that they may as well be beheaded by their malignancy at this point.
Others… need to cast some crowns they’ve been insolently rocking back into the bogs they crawled through to get’em, oblivious to the ones already divinely atop their heads.
All of us are Sovereign.

But this autumn is going to clarify Sovereign of what for each and every one of us.
Mark my words.