Know why he’s re-inflicted on the American populace? Because we’ve allllllllllllll dealt with THAT Guy going about our day to day shit.
Every single one of us. We’ve all even been that guy in hilarious[and horrible] snatches of our stories.
& secretly we all know it.
That was how he got elected in the first place. In 2016 he was the expression of the bitching, spoiled rotten, entitled man baby tipping point for our society.
That’s why there was this guttural reaction to him from those who’d wanted him to win passively. Real Talk, most of those people had been passive-aggressively literally behaving just Like this piece of shit human being in their circles of influence for decades and getting away with it- bullying their way through.
But all their “successes” kept amounting to shit. & it was never enough.
So they blamed everyone else.
The rest of them tried to behave as such whenever they could and Didn’t get away with it.
So THEY too blamed everyone else.
His presidency was society getting fucking fed up with that element braying about being all leader, all the time and recognized the best way to shut him up was to Give him the job and watch him jump the shark and humiliate himself. Like we’ve all eventually done to that shitshow of a person behaving like his ass on the outskirts of our lives eventually.
WHICH… is what he did. Gave him the job…so all of his kind could see. That even though America as a whole has been sold the lie that “this is how you do it” for generations… it’s not a way that will give you ANY peace, even once you get what you thought you wanted.
This is why so many old red states became purple or blue in the last election.
The real outrage over the last election was that so many of those shitshows just like him on a smaller scale TOOK their medicine and voted it. They freaked out because their own numbers dropped. That explains the violence at the Capitol on January 6th. A virus exploding in activity trying to kill the host that has made room for it due to freaking out at recognizing its diminishing numbers in said host’s system.
Trump wants to be like an incurable STD on Lady Liberty…he wants to have infected her processes so badly so as to stick around forever, shedding or dormant. He’s that trashy guy that God turns on a spiritual blacklight every time you look at them for you see the crime scene they willfully walk around being so you won’t be tempted. And all the senators and statesmen supporting him are all the other STDs hitching a ride alongside that infection, looking for a host that’ll spread.
But instead…Trump is Chlamydia.

& Chlamydia is supposedly treatable, but only if you catch it before it does irreparable damage to the reproductive organs of the entity it is festering in so that that entity can no longer produce viable offspring.
…Which gives you Russia’s why for supporting this malevolent cretin.
Russia hopes to impede the progeny of this country so that it’s advancements can be more easily seen on the global forefront. The senators stateside supporting him are trying to stave off already in motion switch-ups in this society that would render all their advances and stature irrelevant, if not null and void.
Nefarious all around…but still treatable.
Trump is an infection running into the recesses of you trying to extend its life, doing everything it can to talk you out of finishing that medicine you already took the first doses of.
Take the last of the medicine, America.

I know Waltz & Harris make you feel like you’re out of the woods… but you gotta kill the eggs the dead ones left when you eradicated them with the first round. & you got like 13 days to do it.

I sincerely believe that the media is using GOP generated polls just to keep the newsy going. They don’t really hafta do ANY work as long as everyone is reacting to this mess… And they still get paid.
The story writes itself. That’s why he has dissolved to a hammy parody of swaying to music and making fries for actors hand selected for photo ops at McDonalds…so he didn’t even have to learn how to take an order.
He just gave out bags of food and didn’t allow Anyone to make selections about what they actually wanted, all
“see, I did JOB! I do job Good!”
Kinda perfectly in key with his flow the entire time, aint it?
When the numbers come back in with him having suffered a deafening loss… the media- that is owned by some of the biggest republican donators of all time… WILL run all the already loaded “He says it’s a stolen election~ ”
Like his words have any credibility outside of the carnage he’s helped enact against the population.
Because he has been their investment.
I think the numbers are going to be deafening.
Even with the smattering of so-called Liberals who are going to be voting for his ass “rebelliously,” but actually just in a secret show to themselves that they are the pieces of shit everyone around them already technically knows they are, no matter their allyship to those they actually hate in the streets….
Even with the women who voted for him and then had to sit through him ripping their right to kill the offspring their assholic partners of convenience parasitically infect their wombs with… and refuse to face THAT shit even though their doctors now can’t just off Bob’s third kid for the third time without him knowing without possibly going to jail…
Even with the ones that make all the noise with tears in their eyes about abortion rights NOW, painting pictures of busloads of Black women trucking across state lanes to murder fetuses … as if EVERYBODY of a certain age doesn’t know who is the biggest customer TO that industry in real time. THAT’s why they were so doggedly after taking away that “right.” Due to WHO was abusing it in real time.
These fuckers would NEVER be sincerely sobbing over black and brown women’s access to ethnic euthanasia via eugenics that was pointed at them & literally put in their backyards INSTEAD when equal rights for all was asked for. Yet even I’ve repeatedly experienced the alligator tears of educated upper class women trying that white tears ruse THIS fn year in mixed company…who freaked out over being outed as lying about giving a fuck mid-flow.
…bitch, where are the tears? Your face is still dry, although you do keep liberally scrunching it~
[ whole Nother post entitled:”OH! You want a better life for your future generations? How ’bout we just make it easier for you to kill them off so as not to birth them into this hellscape we’ve created for you INSTEAD of fixing shit we broke on purpose? Surely OUR own offspring utterly fucked in the head via having our racist asses as their progenitors won’t turn around and rely on the “service” so much that their diminished birth rates will freak everyone out who has been hellbent on wiping YOUR kind out, eerily by the same deadlines we set~ “]
Even the members of society who have been willfully price-gouging to”make their money” by inflating the prices of necessities because that’s “Just the way things go”…who are like Hell Nah to all her talk of putting an END to that …
Even with the Black men who HATE the idea of an even remotely Black woman being in a position of power because they’ve bought into the colonizer’s spoon-feed shit of patriarchy…even men who come from women led homes because that same white man who got their dads to steal themselves from their sons over bullshit told those idiots it was the woman’s fault.. even them voting for a system that ensures they will fight for crumbs in a system set up to objectify them forever…
All their shit…won’t make a dent in the landslide of everyday Americans voting Fuck this wannabe reboot attempt.
Because they see the Trojan horse that even all this nonsense is. They all see JD Vance waiting in the wings with Mike Johnson.