At least y’all are asking the right questions. & he donated those very trucks that just EXPLODED in Atlanta & Vegas to a fire-torn district as a paltry PR flex INSTEAD. Tells you a lot.
The Red Cross is NOT going to donate the blood You donate. They will SELL it. That is their business model. Give something else, elsewhere. No more business as usual. |fuck their grift.
I saw footage of this black lab dawg that was freaking out, looking for his family…suddenly find a fire fighter…and stay by his side IN The inferno as he blasted water full force into flames. & it f’d me Up.| Pray for these crazy dudes, man!
Sometimes it’s what you absently packed into your saq’ before any of this was a thing that truly stuns you.
They WANT you to get it.|Reservoir was placed offline. When there’s an abundance of water in CA right now due to melt & rains of 2024.
It’s ALL the billionaire boss club activating now that they’re “in power.” & the millionaires in Congress are silent because they know it. It’s time for you to know it too. This is for fending off Musk’s December shit.|SEE the road you’re being shoved onto.
& if you truly need target practice that’s going to get us somewhere, here ya go. SURPRISE! It’s another Billionaire at the root of this.
News was fearmongering “the winds are returning Tonight!!”when I hit bed| Thank God for waking to this, instead|Celebrate it long as it holds.