Now… This?
It’s fackin’ genius… but This could utterly backfire.
Having Sacramucci there to talk to the press on her behalf.
He’s been vocal as fuck against the man since he got booted… but never forget dude was literally a made man for the Trump family.
Which means… he, or rather his services have been purchased by them in the past. He nyc-boyed the f out the last time but… a made man’s been made.
Maybe he no longer has a price.
Maybe he knows T-dawg wouldn’t be good for it anyway.
But I wouldn’t be surprised if an offer WAS made. & wouldn’t it be must-see-tv if Scaramucci flipped on Harris with the press even though he’s Her guest?
Storyline-wise ya gotta admit, it’d be Days of Our Lives level juicy.
It may seem like a far toss on my end… but I was a New Yorker to the bone in Guiliani’s NYC. The guy who helmed shit during 9/11 being the shit for brains ambulance chasing bumfuck he became shoring up a fellow Nyc boy’s whathaveyous was low-key devastation for some of us.
I’ll post BTC’s watch party for those who wanna tune in with limited network tv commentary.