Autumn |Adaptogenic [espresso] Brew season 2024

Coffee is NOT the enemy.

Caffeine is not the enemy, either.

It’s all that facking’ sugar you put in it that make it almost a death sentence, tripled by how many mugs/cups of it you’re having to keep your digestive system running and your brain alert.

Espresso and coffee can be medicinal, like anything you put in your body.

Ya just need some tweaks.

Things to keep in mind:

1.espresso carries most adaptogens very well. They don’t degrade in it.

2. Coffee dies before espresso due to How you brew it.

3. You don’t hafta go full bulletproof with the butter and the MCT oil et al, but having some semblance of fat in whatever you’re cutting it with works for you, not against you. Always remember, some vitamins and nutrients are only fat-soluble. You need fat IN your belly to crack those mugs open so your body can use them.

4. You don’t hafta be Q when it comes to adaptogens, but take an hour and deep dive them so you can have an understanding of what you’re putting into you. when you Do you will find out that #MACA & #ashwaganda cancel each other out if taken at the same time[instead of buoying the effects of each other].

When I am wanting to amp energy I go twds them. But when I am going HAM ( hard as a mofo] pregaming writerhead season, I pound #brahmi like my day depends on it.

5. The right cinnamon can help make you forget sugar in a coffee drink. there’s like 3 kinds to play with. find your fave and don’t let anyone talk you out of yer #pumpkinspiceeverything addiction~

Just learn the phrase” #NOPUMP” AT STARBUCKS if you’re not going to make your own.

That extra pump of whatever the gunk is is the murker.