maaan, ....I may never buy another candle again after the first episode! It's That easy?! & it's an air purifier because it's all beeswax?!

The Angel, cheesin ova candles

Maybe it's time to follow suit and do what d-T-dawg does as well as what dude says so as not to be stupid too. EnMasse.

The Resistance really realizing getting kinky with its Aikido in this shit may be best practices.

The Angel murmurs "Maybe it's time to follow this motherfucker's lead all the way & do what he does...since he's going to rob the country blind anyway..."

The Resistance warbles at humans to get kinky with its Aikido in this shit.

I hear the whole “Welcome to the Resistance~” glad-handing breaking out. Because you guys hate fighting with assholes so badly, even when you truly NEED to fight the good fight. But THAT’s why we’re here in the first place. Yall keep being cool being friends with demons who would KILL you any chance they get & you’re too passive to face it, snapping awake moments from the destruction they willfully dragged you towards.

So I am interjecting a fucking NOT SO FAST~ riiiiight here.

Because there IS no cause for celebration here. Stop looking for the easy win and fucking pay real attention.

You guys are missing the BIG reason they – the Supreme court-did this.

It’s not just nobody has the balls to say “Donald, you’re wrong!”  because the collective Psychotic Whyte Daddy issues of this f ureaking country are threatening to ruin it.

But those judges you are cheering on for “doing their job,” those two who agreed that USAID should have to pay out contracts people already moved on[SOMETHING THAT T-DAWG was Notorious for Not doing in NYC {getting work done then refusing to pay} so of course he tried it helming the govt] KNOW something that most talking heads talking about this keep glossing over:

That held up money? The brunt of it was to pay AMERICAN FARMERS FOR WORK they’ve ALREADY done & were to be reimbursed for. They all got letters from Trump’s Government akin to the letters Trump’s lawyers sent out to all his contractors “I know we said we’d honor these but nah~”

All the Farmer FAFO you’ve seen on the web this last week rattled the nerves of those representatives who were terrified of farmer uprisings over how DEEPLY & RAWLY TRUMP fucked them. They can’t cry to daddy tdawg. So they shook those justices, praying.

T-dawg will call SCOTUS turncoats and refuse to pay anyway if he truly IS an idiot.

…But watch.

Because those fn farmers are already mid-disassociation, railing AT “the Government” while saying out the same mouth that they voted for him and STILL want to stand allied with ole crazy daddy Tdawg.

Those same farmers…who just got their asses saved FROM “…stay outta sight of ole drunk rapey paHpaw daddy diddling T-dawg on Tuesdays” BY the SCOTUS…

will 9 times out of 10…give credit FOR that salvation To Tdawg. If THEY are the idiots they keep making choices to look like.

So let’s see.

  • Will he throw a tantrum because the court he bought overruled his absolute power shit?
  • Or will he backtrack & try to take the farmer’s cries of thank you (in spite of what HE willfully did to them )as his glory, even though the court he bought blocked him?

Here’s the thing…

If he makes this mess must-see TV and gets a gold star for that instead of doing his duty to the country as an American president

and it doesn’t set authentic people on fire to get politically involved so that the shameless ass-kissers and grovelers now filling the Republican side can’t fill those seats in congress, ensuring that this shit never happens again…then the catastrophe looming is Deserved.

I don’t care if you ARE “Conservative”…do you call yourself that as a poseur? Are you a grifter too? Or do you say it whilst actually giving a fuck for this place? Then get the ones who are making a mockery of the actuality of your valid conservative beliefs out of fucking office.