Because Beast… Desecrated 12 sets of bones for the gram, found a cup & smashed all else. Bet money. & these fake religious folk will glom onto this mess…but their heads would explode if they found out the Nabateans are “mysterious ” in the annals of history because the fuckers found out long ago they look like the Black Yemeni of today.

All the strands fall into the mists of time when they can go no further without upending white supremacist nonsense.

If some of these dudes soooo ready to sell this narrative could openly Admit the ancient cultures Were melanated & that factors into the establishment blocking those narratives , it’d be a worthy discussion. But this culture they’re championing in reverse built allll these super structures & their progeny, after colonizing(raping & pillaging)the planet 2000 years oppressing the native populations everywhere they stumbled upon still can’t build anything remotely comparable to these super structures?

Maybe there’s a pointed reason for that inability, even in light of all their supposed supremacy. Maybe that’s why those others were oppressed, like Napoleon plainly said.

Go check out “Rhodesia.” Or the ramparts of Benin. Before you try it. OR them knowing that mask was Tut’s momma for eons, & all the obviously female bones they ransacked. Or that Tiye was black as Michelle Obama for over 100 years.

stunning discovery...of bones in tombs under the Petra tombs we've desecrated for 60+ yrs! It boggles the miiiiiiind that they'd surely put bones in a region called the royal tombs of A place we've only explored 15% of & probably burnt anything outside of our peddled narrative!


I'm not trying to catch me a man anymore, nuh-uh... I'm trying to Catch...a concussion .😝

Made me ...spit my water EVERYWHERE.