I frolic with the dead allatime. Said with love. There’s A lot of death alive and well in Grievechronic.
Always has been.
So when my spirit said 《follow me~》earlier today, I did.
I went into the church in honor of Shanquella, wishing there were candles to be lit but sending up love and rest all the same…& then, with a few invites for tonight in my bosom I got geeked out over the altars being constructed and consecrated all over.
Maybe my desire to take it in during the preamble was keyed to the thought that what those who the marigolds draw miss most is the light. Maybe it was the fact that my RITU°a.list show in Sedona was all altars to felled gods in hives & I have a thing for building them out.
… in pure “what would Angel do back home in heaven for a day?” Mode my angelic retinue of cherubs and I descended upon a gorgeous spa and virgo venerated the fuck out, for the rebirth, not the memories of lives, lived.

I was open to the day blooming however it needed to. & it did, giving me new celebratory traditions to play with going forward.
THE THING IS: When we get to come back, living is what is on the heart.