… little known fact:

The Punishers in Grievechronic are based wholly on a twisted riff of my love & respect for the thankless job firefighters do for the machine and for us without ever really getting their due. I even edited out all cheeky horndogging thaaat is evidence of the otha flank of my affection for their wild assed order fulla men who throw chicks over their shoulders and run outta burning buildings like Hades sons looking out for us…who also cook their asses off 😁. Because they CAN.

&they’re the flirtiest, blushgrinning most hot boys in every grocery store they descend on en masse, dangling off those f ureaking hot trucks , purely for the pleasures of tha ladies. In every city & small town in America. Only mofos more playfully eyefucking folks over their choice of tuna over salmon in tha aisles than me…is them, as a literal monolith. They are wild, ridiculous & it’s wonderful, and not one of’em better be harmed up there.