…aah~Honey-honey|Geterdoneing in the garden of good & “sonafa-wtf did you do to tha center of yer Face!?”|Meanwhile~

person about to pour yellow liquid on palm Photo by Gantas Vaičiulėnas on Pexels.com

The best remedy for a burn, even in hospitals… is honey. Especially manuka honey. Honey- if I am remembering correctly, produces hydrogen peroxide in your belly with water due to some enzyme transformation. I knew it due to being a diy beauty geek.

  • I just spent the past 4 days guinea pigging that on myself in the midst of a (new to my ass,2nd tiiiime ever since December 2024) sinus infection …that led me to inadvertently chemical burn my nose, its interior, my phlitrum & crack my lips trying-
  • as a neophyte to the travesty of sinusitis-
  • to get relief… by using kwan loong oil …so I could keep powering through my last few studio nights prior to getting on the road.

I literally scared a man. Lol- i didn’t know how bad it was! But I saw it when we met up-lolol- he jumped lol, & I had to go inside & see it with better light.

Yep. Full fledged chemical burn. Right there. Middle of the punum lol.

Righteously roughed up my skin trying to breathe, unbeknownst to myself.

And because I can’t take anything too seriously, I fell straight into “for tha people~”mode. With mahself.

All those years of bad BAne imitations & impressions finally got their due, having crisped a respirator tat to the bottom of mah fave face lol.

I did have a “bad mom” reckoning moment waiting for me down the line, but my Minime is a happy nerd nutter through & through & she blinded me with science lol.

we get to guinea pig that manuka honey burn shit out! Yaay!

Thank GOD for healed inner children… who gleefully remember us ripping off our forehead on asphalt by tripping playing hide & seek at like 4 liiike it was yesterday.

So what did i do? I slapped onna thick russian accent & I globalboho beauty’d the fuck out is what I did, ewwwing liiike a virgo through liters of yellow, thick, heinous mucus, phlegm & sputum.

The burn was cleaned with a GB magic salt scrub daily (howling & whimper- laughing throughout the process). Then raw honey & castor oil were layered on & then incessantly re-applied after blowing my fahking nose off & dealing with the scabs, trying not to pick them to no avail.

& Ah have a silk lined covid mask… because…BECAUSE, got dammit lol, and wore both it & silk scarves onhand draped around me heading out… because if I’m gonna do it…Globalboho style’s gotta give it as gratuitously as fuck for my own pleasure principles….

[Never been a coke chick(pop or otherwise) but how sores in one’s nose doesn’t put the kibosh on that shit i have not ever understood. ]

I’d done well with all that theater on repeat alone by today ( & already was pleased with the results). Yes…My face was molting… but I’d shed psychological skin simulataneously by letting some social shit go, so the brand new felt as such all the way through.

…but when I went & pitstopped with the Rightest of tribes down here … that I almost didn’t go say bye to …the heavenly ringleader , who, after getting my whoshotthadawg, was like

“… steam it. Steam it all. With real eucalyptus. Or at least the oil. Old school. BIG BOWL, towel…tsiddowhn…

GenX’d me tf out.
(got me right as rain, she did…)

& What made it wilder was when I went to get the Eucalyptus from another favorite brook…a local florist I live for due to her always having #thisisscifi blooms for me to grab growing wildly when I’m around. Another genX big sis there was like “yup~and try…xyz next time it hops off.”

& then~ pitstopping at Another favorite spot with a travel stash of it in hand ….another big sis queen crone was like “my kid just gave me some of that & I put it in tha shower~ you’re gonna Love it!”

…so I went home & did as I was told… in no uncertain terms lol.

I was already breathing better due to the sun… but after 2 bowls of this…bay…beee~ Minime was straight

“Good heavens, Ms.Akimoto! You’re beautiful!”

She blinded me, with S C I E N C E..

(…singing bowls totally helped. & the fire place lol).

Then the slathering finale began…

…all raw, yall. Raw honey~

Who shot tha Dawging a globalboho grownassed face reset( burns not necessary):

(pregaming: a good nourishing scrub)

First… Eucalyptus facial steaming.

Second…. Honey slather. Let it sparkle as it soaks in for 45 minutes… all def lepparding with it (I’m hot, sticky, sweet~🤪😜😝…

Third …activate it with water & sit a bit more with tha fire for the paradoxical peroxidal whathaveyous…& then

Fourth… suit up with a castor oil slubbing,


You’re welcome. Lol. If you do it.

But meanwhile… lookit (up my nose at) the four day fix.

…nah~ I’ll save that for later.