What was the One thing that got you to stand still for 18 months in the Headlands?”

“- GOD😐- ” “…besides God?”

GOOD EGGS. DELIVERED. (Just like nola.)

(😝#sommayallknow this bliss~)

Look, I had a ball in the Headlands. There’s no way God would’ve Asked me To stay if the vortex on Rodeo Beach wasn’t bliss for me. Very conducive to my heart. One of my best seasons of AOLAB life …& nothing nor any one was able to taint or tarnish that(… but boy, did some try lol).

But it’s telling that I never checked out Berkeley that technically adjacent to it. My baseline was the epitome of an eastern cityhippie for most of my adult life.

I am glad God waited. To introduce us.

…After an afternoon happily grocerying in the rain I can already tell it deserves its own tale.

aerial view of berkely city buildings
Photo by Felipe Alves on Pexels.com