Okay. Why now? | Broader & Deeper.

What is being missed… even by Ice-T himself…

is that the shit Ice-T said…

in the press…

Over another grown-assed man stating “I am celibate, for eons now”

…is in the EXACT dogwhistling key…

(just stated differently)

that has had Puff Daddy all fucked in the head and Unable to Openly be… the gay-assed motherfucker Dr. LOve has always had it on his ass to be.

His entire life.

Fear of exactly what Ice-T tried to do with this bullshit on autopilot…is what DL mofos are hiding from. From each other.

this fn concern by men…about another man’s movements with women…Has always been “that’s actually Gay” as fuck to me.

The fear is a killer.

The bullying . . Down these fucking misogynistic pathways…to uphold this toxic black male bullshit-

Nigga you aint out there fucking & beating down bitches every day? Nigga you gay!”

needs to stop.

& I could upbraid Tracy like a motherfuck. But I won’t. Because I get he’s a product of his time. But maybe… the fact that he’s alive & kicking this shit up… is for him. To snap out of it.