I… finally got this book Sunday. After years of grazing it. All the more surreal because the ashram in Taos that I absently attended is Hanuman’s & my understanding was that all the construction afoot while I was there was the culmination of 40 years of proceeds from this book underwriting it. In a strange, sweet moment of connectivity my friends there messaged me on my birthday to send love & wildness right before going into a full scale bhakti chanting whathaveyou. It was one of the best energetic bday gifts ever, feeling them sing to the cosmos with their whole hearts, having walked in after bendeciring me.
People and places can feel your energy.
Many times in life I have experienced firsthand the elements responding to me. You have too. You just have been led to wave that supernaturality already embedded in you off.
You can either send out erratic, understandably terrified & irresponsible negative or violent energy that will pour into the winds one way, or you can send love, awe detachment…and prayers of abating into the flames popping off to the east & west of us.
You’re going to transmit something. Just…do your best to be cognizant of what you do.