For everyone "blown Away" by all the boomers bubbling up saying they early voted & did so for Kamala Harris you really shouldn't be. The Oldest boomer chick was 33 years old when Roe v Wade was made into law. So the ones who fought like hell after getting fed up with all the "hangers" and who made so many strides to make it safer to BE a woman in America in the simplest sense- The ones who remember the carnage &lives lost due to bleeding out OR an inability to leave the abusive monsters that knocked them up-

are still here...and voting.

These old, despotic fucks NEVER FORGAVE THOSE WOMEN FOR GETTING FROM UNDER THEIR THUMBS, 1 EFFECTIVE PIECE OF LEGISLATION AT A TIME[ from abortion/reproductive rights to banking]. THEY thought they'd waited long enough to "remake" these moves. & now, in a true November surprise, the ones who'd docilely took it back then in spite of the changes to the laws in order to stand by their man...the ones who've outlived their horrid husbands...are voting in droves, like an awakened sleeper cell.

Imagine..trying to incessantly harm someone who never meant you a thing but good... and God turns your attempt to get in HIS way trying to curse them...

into the breakout, penultimate Blessing Of Blessings that person had been too busy & humble doing what God had asked of them for decades to even have thought about asking for.

Where they can now spiritually sincerely THANK you...see it as the good they did do you returning to them after all, closing the circle in a way nothing else would.

Universal Law always responds to your deeper intentions, which are to grow, develop, and unfold into the great version of yourself.

Michael B. Beckwith

They dig for dirt because they're pigs that shit where they eat. They couldn't be comfortable with you, clean.

Best elder arthead headpop ever.