...and the gag is All his anger at that Angel was over knowing she'd never give Pauly boy the pegging he'd prayed for~

The androgynous Angels are Kiki-ing overhead and beneath the seat like a motherfuck. God, I love Black people

...Because YOUR "own" ARE TRYING TO killlllll you offffffff~.

(For the still confused, regarding best practices & societal rollbacks.)

SO.. the guy… who started a company called neuralink, aimed at putting chips in people’s brains[ to control them] a la the book of Revelation, positioned himself as the face of a banking cabal that bought twitter to train neuralink Ai in all human speech to text pathologies… and then broke into the US treasury with a crew of misogynistically foppish, virgin nerds [islam playbook, just saying] …and harvested all the government data of the citizens of the United States of America. The dude who struts around in Baphomet armor?

& everybody is surprised?

The president of the United States…whose son-in-law is on record before he even got[re]elected as saying “Gaza would be great beachfront property to develop…” is standing at a conference with the man pretty much all of Israel has said is not Their leader…saying “Move all the Palestinians out …so we can develop it into a middle eastern riviera….for people OTHER than the ones we’re kicking out-” The dude others picked solely out of their hatred of Harris?

& everybody is surprised?

Stan Lee isn’t surprised(Rest In Peace).

Marvel Studios isn’t surprised.

This nonsense has been predictively programmed for a good two decades.

…Are y’all surprised moooos waiting for some Avengers or are you ready to suit up and geterdone?

Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.com