The beauty in this...the pure despot debauchery of it that has my writerhead high right now... is that it's not just the words. It's the product placement. The boomerang built into all of this that was deigned and designed...not for ANY of the decades of beef we've all been witness to ...but for the fn Latter Days that these now are.
This motherfucker factored guerrilla marketing for the downfall into his entry Writing gig With Diddy, like he could see the global, viral future Of marketing barreling towards us all.
An impressed anarchist.
Category Archive: …Shake that ASS!
(i…RARELY…talk like this, but~) Nigga, What???! ef the #mandelaeffect. It’s the #fiddyeffect now.
Deon, Sproink!
She was Robbed!!!
A Bell, on Belle
koolaid & sugar.50 cents a bag| hopped up Honors kids| the days
… waiting for them to stop talking about the 1000 baby oil bottles [fulla GHB👩🏾🏫 genX nerd raised by gay boys underground/ exclubkid… just wait] & have the cajones to …broach…lolol… the 791 dildos…seized….from lolol-😝
America’s pervy puritanical posturing is soooo ridiculous.
GenXers tend to be the offspring of the survivors of the hippie Love revolution… thaaat lubed itself up, threw keys in bowls & slid into the swinger’s era whilst popping genX out.