It is today that our best work can be done, not some future day.
W.E.B. Du Bois
Category Archive: …Shake that ASS!
The Angel is Not a conspiracy theorist.At all. The Angel is just🤦🏾♀️
You gotta be clear about how you’re positioning you. What are you going to go out and do ? If you don’t have a real big point of view, or a legitimate mission to achieve, it’s very hard to come up with “giving activations.”
Huib van Bockel
Test it in your own friend group. This weekend. Quietly. Everyone in your spheres of influence dial tuning into ANY of this shit completely down. Before the de riguer ruin all weekends energy vampire harvest/ 5pm Friday Narc dump. No posting we're all going to do this together on insta. Even if something blips up, tune out. See how it feels. Extend it to Monday, Tuesday... just...note the change. Shove a language course in there. See for yourself. With your crews. & then spread the analog as possible.
Boycott the energetic feed. Put your focus elsewhere, willfully.
& they use it to entrain your focus... to manifest what they want the images they get into your unguarded brain... as a society.
Y'all it's time for YOU ALL to get this.
Y'all gotta get this. & I ...I gotta keep imagining you motherfuckers getting this in time.
A time machine|was Dogged for pointing it out |Programmed for Now… then. |complicity call-out. The handmaids tale, season 1
OmGweareOld!Lol but I still love us|i forgot about the pointing😂
& I thought I was impervious to fly, straight hair guys due to that early “hotboy salon/”Frank, you have nothing to Worry about~”/”what the fuck are you DOING at that salon??!” inoculation. Cockily so. …Until around 30 when I started dipping my toe into commercial modeling via an agency in new york city, late bloomer-style.
I got turned out getting comped $500 soho haircuts by this Gorgeously straight, ridiculously talented, hairy as fuck but in the penultimately right ways Fashist Greek God …who completely understood my curl pattern due to what grew out of his crown.
It was supposed to be like $25 for us, plus tip but … Mines appreciated my…appreciation.

It was a collision course of archetypal kouros aesthetics, dark designhead genius- he was an Artist{ & It’s good to have your work appreciated lol} and utter submission to a hands-on, high end beauty addiction.
…In hindsight I was doomed, but I dig it took That much To make me …pliable lol.
But For the Record… Esmerelda was a Glorious Billboard for dude. He got his monies worth from referrals many times over. At that time that gifting coming outta that kind of salon was the stuff of Legend. Now Whyte guys pride themselves on doing right by black hair. He was a Mack.
…A few years earlier he’d totally have been the kind of dude I would’ve been wanting to dress too. He was a warrior at his craft.
& he got me addicted to high-fangled steam machines for Esmerelda. I knew my hair was gonna love New Orleans years later because August = his hot seat steaming the face outta her so she’s all freak-flag flying. Gotta find fuckers who love your hair too. & just learn to diy with love. Moral of the story.
Mom & her bougie friends ran in the Hotboy/Hot salon stylist circuit. Every time a new one hit town they allll were jockeying to be Done~. |#talkaboutexposure #formativegoodtimes #redbloodedmiddleclassamericanwomen #efhatefulhusbands |I still haven’t seen this movie but I grew up attending those races
The "pushing my head down before I'm ready," quip
for tha potatoes...
Shocked guffaw. One quip. Perfection. but ftr: Straight stylists are wiild in a nsfw way in real-time. #jobperks
ALTHOUGH men are more likely to fuq a horse (but only the white ones #ohiofarmboyjokes) It's a funnier "full circle" moment because she gives lowkey Cicciolina vibes. #sommayallknow.
"Horses or men?" The Angel is asked, but chuckles "...yes," & walks away.
A Dissertation on Joy, state-sanctioned & beyond| Josh Johnson, joshjohsoning the fuq off~
Okay. They got me. SnL50. Now I'm all verklempt...#sommayallknow.