...Because YOUR "own" ARE TRYING TO killlllll you offffffff~.

(For the still confused, regarding best practices & societal rollbacks.)

You will always be “too much” to people who are emotionally unavailable

You will be “just right” to the person meant for you…

Let it be a filter that if you meet someone who believes you are too much to know that they aren’t for you…

Aaron Doughty

When you hold a limiting subconscious story or identity, it directs your conscious mind to constantly look for evidence in your world to reinforce those limitations. Limiting stories and identities are what hold countless amazing beings back from going all in and doing the BOMB-ASS work that they came here to do.

Sarah Zula{reclaim your freedom}

I will not do my best to keep it light in here, but I will do my best to keep it honest, of the moment & as real in here as I can, called to be broadcasting anything-wise. I’ll find what I can that might help get your vibe right for whatever good God & the universe calls you to do in the next few days of this we all have to make it through.

That includes possibly some qigong flows to get you shored up with as we go.

I can’t believe it’s almost Sunday.

Sleep well tonight, if you can.

& if you can’t…do your best to at least Rest. So you’ll feel worth something when the sun comes up.

Just Know this: If you were in town when this happened, when you know you could’ve been all kinds of other places on earth when shit hit the fan fire-wise… especially if your “shit” is still safe…your soul WAS meant to be here. To fn help. Somehow.

The rebuilding begins internally long before the wildfires raging stop.

AngelBrynner, officially.

Angels, evil and good… have been conscripted to help the City of Angels “hood” lol.

One way or another. So get ready to figure out yer fuckin geterdone.

AngelBrynner, officially.
a man and woman wearing angel costumes
Photo by KoolShooters on Pexels.com