Clown the power of movies all we may like, but

I am telling you I Howled (at the full moon early) as soon as I saw the mom & WAS IMMEDIATELY back in that world.

This movie was the closest it Eva came to describing …my…life LOL.

I felt heard lol.

From my actual guardian Angels experience to what it was like living with the Mother and all her siddity friends lol…

Winona Ryder was lowkey my murderous, fn around with the undead on the far side of veils, black goth high school spirit animal lol but it was this movie that helped me just accept my mother for who & what her bougie, beautiful! narky arse was☺ lol.

I’m so serious tho. I learned to laugh at the variables in my life & see the inherent comedy in its character flourishes within my story-

From D’Aurlaires Greek Myths to Tim Burton letting Michael Keaton be…who I’d be so disappointed to meet if he wasn’t…this.

I’m teary-laughing because I’ve played with more dudes with his demented demeanor and smart assed delivery than…I ever should put a number to. That muttery, borderline insane sarcasm is tha patois of my people🤗🧘🏾‍♀️.

He doesn’t look a day ova tha last time we met, Beetlejuice ~

I hope they release it on tha right day.

I actually can’t wait for this movie.