This has been… foisted upon me to write about all year, actually. & I’d been meh on it as a topic because it didn’t seem like a big deal anymore. Z is barely fucking at all when WE (X) were wilding. I figured it was a non topic.
& Lenny usually ends up having to say something adjacent with each release because y’all always are like “great, but are ya dicking anybody down? We need to know”
Case in point, 2024style:

It’s been part of the roll-out for years lol. & absently said, I thought he was schtupping again. But maybe the offerer of that intel wanted me to think that. Not that it mattered to me either way because my reasons are mines.

I don’t think I would’ve said anything if Ice-t ( who I dig on Law &Order but am old enough to know the rap persona of mean pimp that intro’d him to the entertainment industry…& liked he got to put that oft-offered to black men mask down &relax into the joy of acting-) hadn’t gone to his *weird shit* place.
Because a”roxkstar guy” not sexing everything is weird… but coming from a guy whose claim to fame before his scifi cop debut in johnny Mnemonic was nursery school rhyming about pimping women to the others & hoarding the money or slapping them around IS REALLY…weird.Er.
But ice-T issa boomer.
Lenny is gonna …do…what God & Lenny gone do.
He does not need my ass to defend his delicate flowering purity,😂 his seeing his crotch as good ground like tha bible be saying to do😬 is good enough for him, I’m sure.
& things are not always what they seem. The very people who have brushed off your clowning them… are high beaming on serials sweetly spooling between them & God.
yeah yeah…tha point is~
I say all that to say…I was thoroughly ignoring the ones nosing around me all year on it… because the fodder they needed was that for tha ladies post, not the numbers.
But~not including zee
I’ll teach you to tempt me~
Tigering Angel
I have lenny beat.