The Point of this is simple. Every month a great book that we have yet to finish finally gets all the way devoured, low-key meandering Globalboho bookclub style. It must be finished by the end of the month…and if it piques your palette you can pick it up and read along too.
By midnight of the Last day of the month, some sort of Gist or expression of how said auther smacked the Globalboho geist will be uploaded into the ether to be picked apart, discussed and/or enjoyed.
The Rawktober Selection is ACID FOR THE CHILDREN, by Flea.
This book had been needling me to be consumed since before it was even launched but there were too many other things on tap with the Kokopellima publishing slate to even think about picking it up.
The window of opportunity came up in Healdsburg, over a slice of cardamom pie and some thai gelato from this spot called Nobel Folk/ Heritage Pie that leads with the killer dude from that movie Scream as its mascot[ because their pies and ice creams are fucking killer, no doubt].

Gotta give it to him ahead of time, I’ve read a few rock biographies, auto and otherwise… it’s honestly one of the few biography genres I seriously fuck with. None suck you in the way Acid for the children does. Dude is either a beast or a God on that Bass but he’s a poet in these pages.
The ONLY reason I didn’t keep it with me whilst pinging back and forth between LA and away this Bacchanalian summer is I streamlined to carry-on only on leg three and was packed to my gills. I actually got a tad teary-eyed having to stast it at 100 pages until later.
But by the 31st ofRawktober I will have finished it and be able to tell you why you should too.
…to the races.
The summer got away from me, opportunity to pit-stop in LA -wise to pick up that copy grabbed in Healdsburg.
The day I was going to grab the ebook to finish him on time came…and I got nudged on my walk to cross into a neighborhood in Redwood City that I had not explored yet.
I ended up at a yard sale.
No cash on me, only a card, my phone…and a brand new copy of Acid for the Children sitting on a folded table (…and this cool, lonesome gilded espresso cup & saucer).
The table was surrounded by Filipino aunties in their 60s that reminded me of hanging out with my cousins, one zoomer in their midst.
The head aunty(there’s always a head aunty) said “… cash only,” but the zoomer drawled “I’ll give it to you if you have venmo~”
“Whaaat is venmo? ” one of the aunts asked. The zoomer explained as we began to make the transaction & the aunts cracked up.
I sheepishly asked about the espresso cup and saucer as they pat the kid on the head proudly.
“Venmo~” the main aunt chuckled, then tossed it in for 50 cents.
I’m devouring it in Sacramento where I’m going to leave it for my friend.