If you took sex out of it at the top of things maybe the sex wouldn’t be so horrid at the end for LOTS of those with noses scrunched up.
There are so many people who have stayed in relatively miserable relationships with people for sex… that wasn’t even Great sex. Especially coupled with all the other nonsense.
To each, their own.
Let folks “do” who they’re going to do( or not do).
If you take sex off the table… what would be the point of the relationship? That’s a hard question to walk out the answer to.
Being real….God as my witness, I happily fucked my brains out in my 20s & 30s.
Shamelessly, egregiously lolol recklessly.

But in the time I have been on sabbatical I’ve been fucking prolific in multifaceted , sincere, robust , God-led ways.
I never crossed wires workwise… my model guys were off limits(tho some were exes- but we were platonic by then) But let me be clear- God never gave me grief . About my escapades or my inner work.
I came here to pilot this ship…a leggy 6ft black chick learning multiple languages whilst running around Naomi Campbell’s mid-90s Europe 😝….iiiii have had a ball.

& frankly…. To name a book, exhibition, Esp(lol) or project that I’d swap out for having to train some series of monogamous dudes (he takes the lotion from the bucket & moisturizes his ashy ass or he gets the hose🤣 style) to get me to something easily released by what I see or my private dexterities… when they’re not captivating me off my grind at first sight….would be hard.
The dude I do like(and conceivably will fuck the daylights offa when it’s time, God willing) I didn’t even Notice was stacked to the gills with every attribute I used to dementedly drag myself across until I already liked his brain.
I’m only now experiencing for the first time what it feels like wanting to wake up with the muse inspiring you…and it’s sweet, hilarious and wild. But it is possible to literally FEEL what I mean there…because being clear of outsiders trying to inject things into flows made me my own damn muse.
& we each find our way to that as artists, if we’re lucky.
I’ve had stumpy chicks notorious for bad attitudes, subpar head and monthly UTIs mockingly calling me a nun… who would’ve burst into flames from the displays of delicious delirium soaked love affairs God’s blessed me with.
I KNOW …what I put on the altar lol.God knows what resplendent insanity I laid down for God, me & whomever he actually has For me.
I knew about LK’s celibacy. His professed why.
My first bout with my own celibacy in earnest happened in Miami. & I think he went public with love revolution, splitting wigs all up and down the beach.
But… can you just fackin LOOK at him?IMAGINE… THE AMOUNT OF TAIL DUDE WAS SWIMMING IN before God was like chill lol. Even like ef the instruments. He’s 60. Nine years… when he’s been… that…40 yrs? Him & Kiedis were like the posterboys for raw sex appeal for decades.
So like 30 years dude was wilding lol, philandering at levels rarely known to organic everyday man lol. There’s four generations wanting him to be wilding now lol.
&He’s…free. from it. All.
…that’s deep.
& I get it.
He’s going to blow Somebody’s back out like a motherfuck for real when he returns to it lol…. but maybe not. 🤔
& …maybe that’s the real point.
When you’ve been wanted for your looks, or access, or all the selfish things folks clamor to fuck with you for, desiring the razzle dazzle of what they think it all is…
What I’m recognizing is what I am actually holding out for myself is the one …who I can truly sleep beside…and can truly sleep smushed up against me, smash or no smash.