It’s the “real Satanists” that got the shortest stick in this game.|

All these …agendas(…because the days things is above your pay grade if you’re reading here, & beyond mine to scifi explain it so stop struggling) they’ve been pushing the last 100 years?

They’ve been puppets the entire time in it.

All of it was handed to them.

The baphomet transexual God mess was hand fed to them. There’s a reason most of them blindly charged out of catholic church indoctrination licking their wounds and everything else lol.

It was all consciously done to you.

You’ve been pawns the whole time.

All of it is integral in mimicking a mystery none of them, the so-called devout or the humbly “demonic”, ever really got.

Why do think there have been so many jumpers? What are they diving away from?

What do you really think has been going on to “win” all this?

It’s all hand in hand.

All those pious Christian bigoted fuckers at the RNC convention are blowing up the rough trade apps lol. Mark my words.

They didn’t “need” a separate bible.

The ones everybody’s waving are already inverted.

It’s a whole another play upon Animal Farm. Pugs & pigs dressing up in people’s clothes, pretending the sky is falling so they can secure something.

These things were designed to go hand in hand with the class of colonizing demons deciding of their own accord not to have kids…to stop procreation. On every front possible. Those low numbers are the fear the plebeians are being bludgeoned into madness via, through all this.

They’ve spent 30 years paying good money harvesting a certain segments eggs whilst driving the rest of the lot towards infertility on both sides of the gendered coin. They just told some of those women in Georgia this year that this IVF’d could become kids are no longer those women’s own.

Why do you think the military industrial complex is watching all that so closely? Why all has gotten quiet on the crispr front?

How did you miss the whole cabbage patch kid craze kicked off by grandparents who were of the generation that saw(& were some of ) all the incubator worlds fair babies & the “orphan” trains AS they started harvesting blond eggs?

Did you miss the beginning of BraVe New World by mistake when pointing out where all its other tenets are showing up in culture, alongside the 1984 stuff? Go read it again. Go get what the fAke rewilding screams of the last 20 years were really about by doing your best to for the love of God read just even a wee bit deeper so you can understand what all this is.

Do you realize both writers were on the same team as those who went out of their ways to implement the plays IN their playbooks? Same literal clubs.

As you watch… everything… bleating about talking heads pejoratively disturbing your sleep… You are the one who has gotten so used to ramming sticks up your ass so you can be “the head on the spike” yourself, using a fake voice to find your place in this mess that your own airs have rendered you mute on your march to moot. You tune in like Clockwork, no comprehension of the orange compelling you.

… but don’t worry. You are welcome here. Looking for food. No comprehension of true medicine.

…this Easy. It is.

People claiming to hate the bible when it’s the story of who they claim to serve laid bare for all to see.