Kokopellima Press Pre-order bonanza \~@~/

It is official.

Elision changed everything, for the sake of Elysum.

To understand the extent of that before we go forward, we’ve gotta go back. Way back. To the beginning.

The intense pending ethos of Elysum is understood through the roots inherent in Eutaxis.

It was always bigger than family. From jump. That’s why Grievechronic began at the end of it.

Before the touchdown of Elysum (grievechronic book nine, also currently available for pre-order),

In the aftermath of Elision (grievechronic book eight) leaning in to honor everything that was once omitted from the tale on the way to it’s release,

The third wave of Eutaxis, Ecclesia, Exodus & Erebus (the 4 bullet-train ride reads that make up grievechronic origins ) are returning to all shores, renewed.

Kokopellima Press

Featuring new covers and expanded contents, the new third editions of the 4 original fever dreams that set off the Grievechronic Universe are now available for pre-order over at BN.com prior to their official release this September!

(possibly hitting the ground running & ready to go as soon as tonight…so stay tuned )

books one through nine of Angel Brynner’s grievechronic, available at bn.com and independent bookstores everywhere

As always, ONE hopes you truly enjoy the ride boning up for Elysum. Little One does too.

But Be forewarned.

Elysum is gonna be tough. No punches pulled.

It’s fucking time.