The Megyn Kelly’s of the world ?
They think that MUST be the way the Harrises of the world “got put on” because the primary way they get put on is through sexual degradation and manipulation.
It used to be confusing to me, coming up. Because you believe the “feminist” cries. All is fine and dandy until a black woman shows up in the mix. Then the threat is a Double psychological whammy to this particular cadre of chicks. Why?
First: They are there due to their knee /desk bending game. So they size up every chick entering the ring on on that point.
But they get triggered by their own racist stereotypes of black women being irrefutably more sexually …apt… than them. So all that Glenn Close shit rises up at the idea that their targets may be leaning towards… healthy decadence🤗.
Keep in mind, the Black woman 9x outta 10 has no idea initially that this is the energy of that pit until the pettiness starts popping off. Homegirl is usually on her autonomous grind that she DID have to work hard as fuck for, no dick sucks or hand jobs needed.
BUT THEN… when the Megyn Kelly’s of the world find out the Harrises of the world ARE Actually there On their own fucking merit? All kinds of hell breaks loose. They lose their fucking minds watching the dudes whose dicks they had to suck to get in looking at a Harris with platonic intellectual respect.
It drives them fucking crazy because they can never shake that their placement is bullshit, no matter what prowess or intelligence they get to display in those rooms they entered into backwards with their skirts kicked up. Nobody MADE them do that shit.
It’s a weird flipside of that whole Black women act like men stereotype bullshit… that can actually work in one’s favor.
In the right streams. Truly intelligent men are egalitarian as fuck when it comes to brains.
When you look at interracial marriages of a certain sector through this lens a whole new kind of sense pops out.
Black women in my generation of America came up in the creative & professional industries with an unspoken “There’s no crying in baseball” clip to our shit just by the very nature of this country’s flow.
& the egalitarian motherfuckers were EEOC across the board in NYC, at least. The Blonde chicks on their teams were as wily & mercurial as the Black & Asian folks on the team. When you want to win, you fucking pick to win what you want to win.
Megyn Kelly broke up the marriage of the guy she was manipulating a show gig out of. Fucked him for the work. In the divorce papers…

Ain’t no point in being mad at her. Don’t hate the player, shout out the game. But her vitriol twds Harris indicates she’s never made her peace about being the sidepiece she had to be to get that desk. She’s seeing her own shit, projecting her own fall from grace onto people who never had to do what she did…and that also indicates that what she did wasn’t worth what she got. To her. Or she’d shush.
& too… There’s one more insidious layer to her caterwauling and pseudo slut-shaming.
Dig a lil deeper on Kelly. There’s a certain kind of chick used to being a certain kinda trophy to a certain kind of guy. If one of those dudes… that is known for…preferences that pedestal chicks like the aforementioned. .. shows up with someone who flies in the face of stats Certainia would’ve written checks on… it’s a whole ‘Nother kind of petty, slanderous and mad those Certainia chicks get.
…look at who Harris dated on her way to Digging Doug. Lol. Then somebody ask kelly why she really mad lol.
It’s going to get worse … but it ain’t got nothing to DO with black women. At all.
All these chicks who WERE smart but shortchanged their souls for “access” and are outraged that it’s not what they thought it’d be…are going to be aimed by the men they compromised themselves to towards Harris. The internalized misogyny is about to be a trip.
Trump is already waving that fn Goober.
But~ let’s go.