The Angel hears about the latest "wipes & moans" conservative fixation & giggles uncontrollably due to connecting it to last month's conservatives "normalizing sh*tty draws for their wives to handle- " admissions. She realizes that the gay big bro mafia has won a key, long-sought victory...
HOW they missed THIS for the Quincy Jones honoring I do NOT understand! Would’ve had trumpets coming from the balconies, mofos spilling outta the rafters & down aisles- MISSED OPPT!
Not just happy because he’s Black… overjoyed because he’s BEEN a demi-Urge & he’s gotten his props
All for checking on liberal friends| Bonapa keesa.Tolpa da bunky [huttese translation]
Trummmmp. . . Gone fuq around & get apathetically exhausted with y'all Black folks to finally stand with Ukraine too with this mess