Only people you are [allowed to be] prejudiced against are stupid people...

My Dad's favorite axiom, having raised 3 despotically intelligent children capable of all kinds of Machiavellian madness at a moment's notice for their own malevolently inspired shits and giggles. He's probably in Cleveland laughing his ass off over this mess.

I'm not surprised they didn't see this particular civil war brewing the entire time, jerking off to the rakishly recalled one of yore.

The Angelic anarchist blerd chuckles absently overhearing her radicalized Revenge of the Nerds brethren burn the country to the ground (on the grounds of Boy meets world) on the wind.

Ftr-I did tell y'all the grown up nerdy tech bros had him at that "pantomime blowing a mic" shit

2025 is gonna be a trip.

YES. I LOVE THIS. Besides... IT'S MINES. Too. didn't love it? Hmm.