Pay attention to the people you spend time with.

Through “osmosis” the people you’re around influence you in subconscious and vibrational ways( that often go unnoticed until their f'd behavior is hemming you up by flittering out of you) .

Aaron Doughty

To become the ideal version of you it is necessary to overcome the old version which has been on autopilot. You do this by becoming aware of the old patterns playing themselves out. This is 90% of the process. The final 10% is stepping into the known and reidentifying who you are.

Aaron Doughty

“The emotions, traits, and behaviors we reject in our parents will likely live on in us. It’s our unconscious way of loving them, a way to bring them back into our lives.”

Mark Wolynn, It Didn't Start with You

When resistance comes up it may NOT be a sign to go another way. It may mean standing strong on your vision regardless of the tension you feel.

Aaron Doughty

Never fuck a man who has mean issues with food. A man who tries to insidiously corrupt his woman's enjoyment of food is suffering from consumptive dry-rot inside, no matter how preserved he looks outside. Fuck men who love food or they will starve you emotionally &psychologically too. They're testing That road out at the dinner table.

They hate the lifeforce in you. Triggering eating disorders are the purview of beta males whimmering to impact life without the responsibility of growing up in to true manhood. Poison them &get it over with.

AngelBrynner, after being accosted by a grunt she knew not to fuck over rebuffing him.

When someone thinks of you, they tap into your vibe. If you are feeling high vibe they may reach out or feel magnetized to your energy when they think of you. This is why focusing on your vibration is so important. It magnifies or repels depending on the vibe.

Aaron Doughty