Reins, wanted rains & reigns: the in-disputability of the authorial DNA of a project always wins.| Meanwhile in America.

back view of a woman holding a candelabrum Photo by cottonbro studio on

I’ve not written much on all of this Baldoni vs. Lively mess. Because the author is at the root of the dissonance. ALL OF IT.

She seeded this. They are but, what? Actors in a dynamic already prevalent in the woman’s oeuvre.

Some chicks just don’t give a fuck about who among the marginalized the fuck over for a buck targets… and they find the chickens to chirp along with them like this is the way because they are as internally askew when it comes to certain things. She once described a situation that’d be her Nightmare with the project and it came across even then as a wish.

She then manifested it and put a clause in the contract that ensured the shit was going to go down.

She Never gave a broader fuck about the topic of Domestic Violence or Sexual Harassment in any…I said ANY…earnest sense outside of how it’d skimmed her lineage. She was hellbent on making money off of whatever her mom made her live through…and in a weird way, we don’t have to ‘get” that. It doesn’t explain her son’s shit though. Other than it supposedly went down right as she was blowing up over the books.

That’s a whole ‘other can of worms.

But I wonder if people get that the actors she drew to it ends with us are just playing out her own actually thematically dismissive whathaveyous wound around the subject matter.

She literally picked an actor who Never read the book. Even After landing the part. & She was fine with it, as the author. So is that on Baldoni? On Lively? Or the chick who built the world the story goes down in who was about to show it to the world?

Long before Blake’s naming a drink to serve the press at the premiere Ryle, you wait…whilst the mojo is literally being made to wait & watch his movie in the theater basement{…Ryan’s assholic humor allll over that one lolol} the author was pissy because she wanted to release a line of Nail Polish targeting victims and survivors of Domestic Violence and everyone was like “fuck is wrong with you?!”

She’s repeatedly been accused of plagiarism too, multiple projects. But she…only wrote about it to monetize the DV audience.

What I am saying is the DNA of an author’s project rings through. Inconsistencies and all. Whether we want it to or not.

As for Lively’s moves? There’s a take I won’t drop [publicly, but a few know] but on the impersonal business side of it all… It’s not like the film Industry doesn’t kinda set this shit up.

What’s come out that she’s done honestly reads as a play by play, strategic, blow by blow roll-out …of checking off all the things that would be necessary to get a producer’s credit on the movie.

For a woman, even in her position? That’s fucking Crazy. Fuck crazy… that is just wrong and that system that has that as the norm needs to be burnt to the ground.

Look- Everyone’s (validly) screaming at her for the fuckery. & It all was that. Purely dastardly, obscenely gaslit, treacherous fuckery.

But I’ve been an outlier doing my own thing out in LA for a few years and even just absently noting the psychopathy afoot in the name of “Art”… what that particular realm of the creative industries seems to LOVE to do to women who try to get their foot in the door or a seat at the table is so demonically obscene that it can’t help but change them.

That’s been the saddest part to watch in all this. If even the chick married to fucking Deadpool has to jump through all this bullshit and pull all this nonsense to acquire a producer’s credit on the fucking movie she’s the fucking headliner on- supposedly “normal” shit that everyone has looked the other way at dudes [with dicks] getting up to daily-

No wonder these other women I’ve met in passing are so fucked in the head.

She is literally the name that’s the draw on the flick.. and what is documented is her trying to take directorial control of a project, passively, from the underbelly… because even with the money she came from, the work she’s done, the dude she married… She believed this shit was her way to that credit.

This was the ‘best practices road’ a chick of her caliber, with the entertainment beast that is Ari Emmanuel behind her ? She still thought she had to do this shit to break out of the box she’d found herself creatively in? Is that a sick chick? Perhaps. Or is that a chick that has adapted to a ‘fucked in the head towards women’ baseline set in stone in the industry?

The fact that someone actually told f ureaking Blake fn Lively…that she’d better get her booze products ready and her hair care line launched at the same time as this movie came out -because of all the eyes on it- not only was a fucking guy who gave NO Fucks about the actuality of the female psyche at ALL . He was a guy who passive-aggressively despised her having the audacity to even be trying to make the moves she was making chasing that Producer’s guild credit.

Real-talk? What bitch do you know who has gone through even the slightest modicum of the trauma keyed to Domestic Violence who is like “&now~ lets do my hair with an amazing masque to make it all go away? Or maybe I’ll make a boozy drink & not think about every time he drinks my cheekbone gets cracked”?

No woman told her that was a good idea.

But can you picture a table full of marketing men homoerotically human-caterpillaring the head “phallic genius in charge” who came up with that shit in that echo chamber kicking off a hootenanny in celebration of that peg’d fuck’s je ne said quoi?

& What does the chick breaking her fn neck trying to prove she can run with the boys do, off the cuff?

She probably tries to outdo the offensive insane takes they’re coming up with to show the fuckers she can hang.

Because that’s the only shit those kinda misogynistic cucks cued to a rooster respect when dealing with vaginas, when you as a chick out-obscene their asses.

& Yeah… the movie was due to come out at a different time than the line – because that was Sanity.& Smart fn business.

But the fact that she was talked into Not using all that money & power she has to throw her shoulder into shifting that roll-out date for the Sake of that product launch…

was fucking Sabotage.

Whomever was advising her in this shit was tired of her and set her the fuck up.

I’m sure it’d have been less moolah to move that product launch even a month [ which would’ve given her time to bask in any good reviews or let the mess die down about bad ones] later than they’ve already paid in legal fees in this mess.

Somebodies in-house wants her to fail. In her “house.” Of dragons, or whatever. That’s why it keeps escalating. Against her.

& the only thing that’s gonna stop this…in a way where it’s gonna be in her fucking favor is if she snaps out of it and remembers the literal fucking Virgoan Amazon SHE is in all this shit & kicks everybody else out the booth.

Everything that’s come out showing she’s such a horrid person low-key tracks back to some gnarly shit fucking with her …seeming sensitivity over naturally Being a literal fucking Virgo Amazon working in an industry that even gets into the heads of size 2 chicks singing their lungs outta their lilliputian tits and convinces them they need fn Ozempic to not be fn cows.

& let me get into that sidebar shite while we’re hovering here.

It wasn’t Baldoni fat-shaming her.

It was her fucking Trainer that fucked her in the head.

ANYONE who has had a Back Injury knows exactly why he asked what he did- and that the trainer even couldn’t erase that it was asked with recommendations of PT to do so that he Could do what needed to be done on set underscores he set Lively up to bleed her dry on that insecurity.

The trainer Weaponized the request. This is AFTER getting on the movie payroll Because SHE brought him on. Instead of helping the dude with the literal injury make the chick who brought him on look good, the trainer ran back to her told her that shit out of context…and watched her lose her shit, soaking all that chaos up.

Which makes one wonder what dissonance was under that between the two of them that he decided to do that shit On the big Break of his dear friend and client? Did that make her work out harder to lose the baby weight? Or just fuck her in the head so she’d sabotage her heading up the whatever?

I’m just saying…

All the points are weird.

She played like the Boys takeover a project-style & it fucking backfired, as it sometimes does, even on dudes. Correct me if I’m wrong, but isn’t a lot of the bad blood in Hollywood due to dudes doing this shit successfully or unsuccessfully anyway? But anyway…so she veered , stunned by taking the hit due to listening to idiots… and tried to play the defenseless lil Karen like the ones low-key behind her taking the hit in the first place suggested …and that backfired too…because it’s timid bullshit.

I’d love – I mean facking LOVE- to hear what her initial onslaught was gonna be. Just strategically. Before the bros got involved in her plan. Because she could’ve pulled this off sweatlessly without anyone’s careers getting harmed. The components of the coup were there…someone just wanted her to go down Prometheus-style with her attempt. Allegedly.

In her gorgeous Louboutin boots, having made the same moves…I’d sit down and scan what all the folks around did in this shit supposedly on my behalf…and get some clarity. How many clients was the infamous trainer awarded with on both sides of his “allegiance”? Who was checking the marketing photos for the hair brands that opted Not to have the fly-aways photoshopped out of all the product launch ads (something that is standard practice with even the most basic photographers)…shit like that. Note who did what, who encouraged me down what paths …who I know I then saw schadenfreude-ing the fuck out as this burst into flames, despite what people say? Note them.

& then… I’d do the one thing that those people in quiet collusion against me are probably all singing out greek-chorus style against… what they REALLY don’t want me to do.

I’d fall on my sword publicly and make amends with Baldoni.

Because take away the SH, heck, take away the genders and make this two artists facing off with each other, unable to lean on this SH bS… I’d admit I did him dirty trying to run with flea-bitten dawgs I never had to fuck with…and that by seeing him as a casualty I’d missed those same fucks advising my ass down paths that made me a casualty in the same shit.

I’d make him sign some shit to legally not sue my ass & pay him all the money I was being encouraged to waste suing him to buy the rights he had for the forthcoming books… so that he never had to deal with that fn author again. Plus points on the backend of the future projects anyway.

& without my loving , smart aleck Husband. Or his Gamesmanship insights. Or ‘marketing prowess.” If it fails, then it’s my ass, not my ass listening to his ass.

& then I’d watch the fuckers (that were only fake for me anyway) losing their shit that I did it… and then platform the fuck out of what was under the moves I made up until then…if pushed.

And I’d go off and find a fucking mountain and write something of my own my damned self so I can have the full experience these bros had convinced me that my vagina ensured I could only taste surreptitiously in this fucking field. Even if that shit that came out…was a limited series inspired by what was really afoot behind this mess. I’d profit off it artistically my self before these fuckers who never wanted me to win swerved to capitalize off of it. And maybe salvage some of the chick energy in the industry also infected by this bullshit in doing so.

TAKE THE CAREER HIT, THE SIX MONTH TIME OUT. GO FIGURE… how to create your own IP. & write your own comeback story. Because you’ve gone as far as you can go , even having all the ins and blessings you’ve had in this game…they’ve just shown you how far you can go resting on those things in their game. Your future success is outside of the box. & if you nail it, they’ll slap on shit-eating grins and great palms to make it seem like they were with you all along~