3 margaritas + no Olympian threshold level dancing = 3 lucid dreams recalled + about 90 minutes actual sleep and a full slate of stuff to do happily back home in LA.
Forgot how much Patron silver can suck a dick outside of quasi- illegally being inna kamikaze lol.
Any other Bday drinking on the horizon gave me all the fingers as it jumped the fuck off it by like 3am.
My already a lightweight in principle ass was wide awake -happy lol #reasons lol- but mad too because it was like “Tha fuq?! Bodhi! You’re giving me a hangover at 1am?! I was sitting down tha whole damn time! ” Lol.
…but i was still happy lol. For reasons beyond Patron spanking me as higher me & my guardian angels chuckled “You used ta dance all that right outta ya~”. At 440am. Whilst taking a 2nd fn shower because my pores were like “fuck you, Tequila! Don’t even get comfortable! We switched to mezcal yeeears ago for a reason! Now Get!!”
Fricking sailors , surfers and commodores -god Love’em!

& 75who?! I did the things- a smidge Higher than soft in all categories, but still. Even my IF window. Still…Tacking hard days onto the end already.
How my egregiously healthily decadent ass is gonna do this with events here on either side of the upcoming bday that I’m being compelled to go be in the throes of… only God knows lol. But there will be real ass-shaking so if it goes sideways and this fricking challenge runs through til December, so fucking BE it.
I quietly had a ball yesterday. Chilling lol.
But I need to dance.
…But the syntax is hilarious and amazing. Locale-wise. It’ll make sense Inna minute.
I can’t buhlieve God ended my summer with a demented cover of that song lol. Part of me was like “this is Wrong! I ain’t even do nothing!” Lol- at 2am, unable to sleep!