…first and foremost? Fuck You.
May every child you harmed, sacrificed TO be harmed, or gaslit after finding out they’d been harmed (to shore up your standing with the child-fucking monsters you suck off) be the ones who actually slash your stomachs open & watch you bleed out for what you’ve done To THEM.
Do not look for your comeuppance here.
in 2025 Vengeance is God’s and I am not wasting my time being yours.
Secondly, you think you want to fight with me…solely because you know you deserve to die for what you have done to them. If your “people” are now whispering about the fucked shit you’ve done, it’s due to you doing dumb shit trying to angrily engage ME instead of the trauma that you caused to those kids OR a fucking therapist that you DON’T pay off to absolve you of your fucking abuse.
Knowing what I know?
I low-key hope you stay trapped in it, unhealed, paying off people around you one way or another to look the other way on what you’ve done or act like it’s okay, or whisper that kid seduced you at those tender moments. That’s #winning! in your world, right? Lol. The more they “act” like it’s no big deal, the more the truth of the implications of it will torment You as the big deal you know it was and still is.
IT will define your days.
…Without me EVER having to emperor’s new clothes ANY of your asses.
Your jail cell is embedded in what you’ve done.
You will never be free until you do right by them, and God’s still going to tag you over trying to come for me.
This stage is set. & I am NOT in this play, no matter how much you keep trying to drag it to me.
AngelBrynner, washing her hands of it all.
Understand this:
I want the kids who you have turned into adult survivors of child sexual abuse to make you think all is well and then murder you in your sleep for what you’ve done to them. Fuck public Scorn. Fuck PR apology tours. I want you lulled into complacency by the one you fucked as a kid now that they’re an adult…and I want them to wake you up with the blade.
& it’s totally IMPERSONAL, that desire of mine.
It’s the aftereffects of war.
So shoot up all you need to in order to get through your day until THAT day.
Let those enablers who “helped” you…drain you in preparation.
But don’t come here to my social streams in paranoia over literary arcs that don’t have ANYTHING to do with you, your story or that sorry sack of a ritzy life you live.
Stop telling on yourself by angrily tuning in here.
Until you do right by those children you harmed you are dead in these streets, unworthy of discussion.
…Go redeem yourself if you really wanna box with me. Otherwise you are a useless target or subject matter for me. I write about REDEMPTION of inner children after walking through hell on earth, not celebrating the conscious dereliction of them by disgusting fucks like you.