“I advise you to not hide your feelings, don’t pretend to be okay when you’re not okay, don’t pretend to be happy when you’re sad, it’ll only lead to your misery.” – XXXTENTACION

They're Not "undecided. " Every four years is just the only time the rest of the country pays their opinions any mind at all and they milk it -the attention- to stockpile it to last the interim.

Every "HOW CAN YOU STILL BE UNDECIDED?!!" Covers them energetically for a good month. The closer to the election the "RUFNKIDDDING ME?!" is roared at them "on the fence," the stickier that googoogaa is for'em.

Theirs is a primrose path.

Consider these sage writings on leadership from Lao Tzu, the father of Taoism: 

A great nation is like a great man:
When he makes a mistake, he realizes it.
Having realized it, he admits it.
Having admitted it, he corrects it.
He considers those who point out his faults as his most benevolent teachers.
He thinks of his enemy as the shadow that he himself casts.

Lao Tzu

Imagine..trying to incessantly harm someone who never meant you a thing but good... and God turns your attempt to get in HIS way trying to curse them...

into the breakout, penultimate Blessing Of Blessings that person had been too busy & humble doing what God had asked of them for decades to even have thought about asking for.

Where they can now spiritually sincerely THANK you...see it as the good they did do you returning to them after all, closing the circle in a way nothing else would.

Universal Law always responds to your deeper intentions, which are to grow, develop, and unfold into the great version of yourself.

Michael B. Beckwith

They dig for dirt because they're pigs that shit where they eat. They couldn't be comfortable with you, clean.

Best elder arthead headpop ever.

ONCE YOU 🗳 VOTE, IT'S sooooo okay [👍🏾 👍👍🏻👍🏿👍🏾] to be DONE &DIAL the fuck Out.

It's time to center self-care. Don't let the system we aim to fix finish us off at the last of it. Say your peace and get out of dodge.

When you vote you're putting a vibrational imprint on the world you want to live in. If you don't vote you're allowing others to imprint the numisphere. Hold your consciousness on "What World do you want to live in?"

Michael Beckwith, way of meditation 10/27/24

As for the times you responded with examples of dumb shit HE did ALREADY like they were SUDDENLY being done by her, bookended by calling HER stupid... like your bromofos are going to parse through to catch that?!

#didyouguysseeewhatididthere? NO, JOE! They didn't catch that! For fucks sake! lol

"reverse -psych " passive-beta male posturing responses don't count, bro. How many of YER guys even Catch that kind of nuance?

#PassivevoicedJoRoMidBlow?? #rufnkiddingme? Talk about you being all#comethefuckonMEmaaan. Sheesh.

mwahmwahmwah #youresuchafasinatingfellow~ really?lol

#GowipeyourfackingmouthFFS #iiiicantbuhlieveyou lol #yalilpussy

& there is now video proof of what the accordion hands shit is. It's a tick when the walls of his lies are closing in on him.

Telling ya, seent nothing like it-phone had 50% on waLk with dawgs.

By the time he mentioned Lincoln's kid 3x, spinning, trying to vividly remember Rogan's FIRST(2ND? ) QUESTION...my phone went "for fucks sake!"

& dropped to 5%!

The last thing I heard was Rogan going "what I asked you was~" ....& my phone Falcor was like "I'm Out", refusing to participate in this Diabetes 3 debacle?!

... I'm about to log back on at home lol. 12min-ish in

We ALL have a role to play to make this a reality. We're all part of something much bigger. We must vote. & we need you.

Beyonce, at tonight's Texas rally.

A BILLIONAIRE WILL ALWAYS VOTE A BILLIONAIRE'S INTERESTS. It is NOT in a Billionaire's interest that you even KNOW your actual interests, nevermind Vote them. Even the Millionaires fawning them are seen as "necessary evils" that Billionaires reign over, rein in, and restrain to make sure they repress everything below them that they can.


It is WHY it is important for you to know your actual viable interests and vote them.

Fuck the straw man policy talk. No one supporting trump cares about policies. HE has none beside avoiding Jail time.

A guy who votes for Trump, is actually the worst of him ...waiting for it to be okay to openly be a scumbag & mislabel it as masculinity.

That guy is just being stealth about it right now, biding his time in your face, pointing to all the other fake reasons to be pro Trump. When they say 3 out of 4 women will be raped by someone they know...it's that guy you bros give a pass to that attacks the women and kids in your life...that know you won't believe them, so they keep silent about whatever they've gone through.

That guy is a coward or his subconscious can't bear to face the shitty human he is until it is official strength in numbers season again.

A vote for trump is you declaring you are that guy...and the universe is going to make sure all silently see you as such once you do it. There's no take backs this time.

Why am I posting like this? Because there's no gray area this time, guys. & I ACTUALLY WISH THERE WAS.

This time it's not about your pockets/theoretical bottom lines, the shit you can get away with while this fuck is back in office. Even if you "did well" financially while he was in charge ...do us all a favor...and look back at the Life Choices you royally fucked up while this man was at the top of the mountain. How many decent relationships did you fuck up? How much foul shit you're embarrassed over now did you get up to? How many of you embarked on "Piece of Shit" eras unconsciously due to him even BEING in office giving everybody a pass to be their Worst selves?

This time it is not about what you're voting against. It's recognizing who you're voting WITH.

He's already got the wife-beaters in the Mormon and Christian communities who beat their women into line...on lock.

Understand that this is going be a key demographic for him to try to galvanize at the last minute: Men outraged over the women and children that got away from them, that they are already fiscally punishing for not just sucking up his violence.

According to data from the Urban Institute, around two-thirds [67%] of non-resident fathers in the United States do not pay formal child support, which could be considered "deadbeat dads."

Yep...women-haters of every size, color and faction.

Some of Who he is targeting is the cadre of guys who belligerently yell "not all guys" when the subject of rape is broached... the bros who are woefully indifferent towards the guys that do because they would too if they could get away with it.

Understand that to INCELS...which literally means INVOLUNTARY CELIBATES... men who were identified as an ever escalating /rising domestic terror threat by the Secret Service for years...Trump screams he is living the dream that they've been denied.

By women having body autonomy.

You must understand there are a lot of nuances to the MAGA dreams propelling these guys. Their MAGA dream is one where they can violently rape the woman who would've never given them the time of day, impregnate her...throw her in jail IF she tries to abort the progeny he forced upon her...and then Refuse to pay child support. Ruining her life, all in punishment for that initial rejection.

& the legal system that was already stacked against women who have ended up in this situation would now be openly diametrically opposed to ANYTHING she did to counter any aspect of it at the local, state and sure to be federal level, as well as in the private sector due to fear held by their doctors. ...alll due to the sex offender these beta males want to elect into office.


Let's...Understand who Trump is courting at the last minute from a different perspective:

RAINN (Rape, Abuse, and Incest National Network) estimates that for every 1,000 rapes, 384 are reported to police, 57 result in an arrest, 11 are referred for prosecution, 7 result in a felony conviction, and 6 result in incarceration.

There is a network of men in place in the pipeline of the process a woman has to go through to report attacks -who do all in their power to dissuade or discredit victims from advancing towards prosecution. For THEM to NOT support a candidate that is a convicted sex offender is stupid. He is the epitome of the "everyman" they've made careers protecting in spite of their crimes.