After all this "lazy-hacker-bro chilling in Starbucks instead of canvasing, yo" mess...I would make an image of Elon Musk as Dr. Evil...(which would be closer to his real hairline at like 29[but that's a whole 'nother post lol])...but I actually love Dr. Evil...because of how much he makes me laugh...but the laughter is different so I can't.

The GAG is... why they did it, nine times out of ten. They started knocking ON doors and getting different BLUE TINGED responses than they expected, EVEN in the hotbed of Militia-land that is Arizona. If they were smart in dastardly stupid ways...that supposed surge of pro-Trump contacts was probably then... fed into some sham of a "POLL" the campaign could then point to that would launder the fake Yeses into having some shred of believability.


The reason those militias thrive out there is the same as why all the crazy-assed dyed in the wool art heads do. AZ folk don't want to be bothered with nonsense. At all. People move to Arizona to escape bureaucratic bullshit in droves every year. Counterculture, Native Culture, Arthead culture thrives right alongside enclaves fully fn Trumpers.

I ...may... be wrong. I will give space for it, even...but Arizona is Blue. ALREADY. Anarchy Periwinkle blue.

And they were all, when their souls grew warm, poets.


I have been asked... "Why do you Hate us?" my response was "Why do you see someone who sees you as hating you?"

The ability to SEE is not hatred.

The fear of being seen is self-hatred. ALWAYS. This caustic inability to be honest With Yourselves...

this forced upon everyone dogma of living lies because you've committed to being miserable living Your hand selected lies... is Over.

That's WHY they did it. Because YOU were cowards. About the heart of things.

I LOVE garlic.

Angel, daughter of the most High God.

...prays and fornicate in the pestilential stench of the Manchua bazaar in Calcutta,

Borges, the wildest sentence fragment seen in ages.

stunning discovery...of bones in tombs under the Petra tombs we've desecrated for 60+ yrs! It boggles the miiiiiiind that they'd surely put bones in a region called the royal tombs of A place we've only explored 15% of & probably burnt anything outside of our peddled narrative!


I'm not trying to catch me a man anymore, nuh-uh... I'm trying to Catch...a concussion .😝

Made me ...spit my water EVERYWHERE.

Put the hay down where the goats can get to it.” 

...all I really want right now is some hot sake & cherry juice & weird 🐇 holes to dance through in bed online after that epic steam, maybe a marquee musical or something soothingly mellow to go with the crickets singing in the trees outside.

fridaze meditation

“You are not obliged to complete the task, but neither are you free to give it up” (490)

Rabbi Tarfon

The beauty in this...the pure despot debauchery of it that has my writerhead high right now... is that it's not just the words. It's the product placement. The boomerang built into all of this that was deigned and designed...not for ANY of the decades of beef we've all been witness to ...but for the fn Latter Days that these now are.

This motherfucker factored guerrilla marketing for the downfall into his entry Writing gig With Diddy, like he could see the global, viral future Of marketing barreling towards us all.

An impressed anarchist.

it's hard to convince our body that what kept us safe in our earliest years is actually what is threatening us now. We basically now have to override a basic animal defense system that was put in place to protect us, but now holds us back.

Dr.Becky, parenting expert/ clinical psychologist

She was Robbed!!!

A Bell, on Belle

Ever notice that the very people who clamor for a genetically and racially pure, peaceful, supposedly "christian" one-world government as the answer to all (their, & )the world's problems and ills...all come from backgrounds that Never, Not once in the history of those nationalities and ethnicities EVER had a period when they lived with others or solely amongst themselves IN peace?

When they lived in closed racial communities they killed each other ruthlessly over utter bullshit for CENTURIES.

When they went out into the larger world- Often kicked out of their original communities for their unrelenting violence- they killed ruthlessly over utter bullshit.

You can already tell due to the Gossip and misinformation already hitting the wire on a Monday. For them to be going THIS hard for the "attention" of the "Community" there must be something of supreme importance that they want that collective gaze off of in order to pull off the "repurposing" of. attention to what you know you're actually supposed to be paying attention to. Do your best to pay the rest of it no mind.

Angel Brynner

SHE'S 31!??!!!!!

I repeat:


what in the Riddle me this, Robin?!?!

The wildest that now all that incriminating evidence he was blackmailing now the property of a New P.T. Barnum. The whole espionage aspect/angle of that seized Epstein stuff was that all the folks HE videotaped...was per whathaveyous. & new owners of Intel have new demands, game theory-wise.