This is why rule number one after sincerely befriending the Door-folk is acquiring bartenders onsite at your favorite spots who WONT fuck up your drinks for hawk-eyed jackals, and who only give you bottles of water from the pristine stash.
& you’d think it’d be less of an issue in certain boys only spots but it was ESPECIALLY important if your dance floors of choice were gay bars and clubs. Those motherfuckers were happily GHB water-bottling the Fuck outta their Marks, Bob’s & Johns. Some full-frontally both fugged up, some on the sly to shy targets to loosen them up, & others… whose brains completely wiped what they got up to in bathrooms 15 min after the fact.
…&this was why having real gay big brothers was so important underground fin de sicle. Yeah, they were WILDIN’ …but they playbooked you the fuck out regarding the realities of their Savannah if your ass was dancing on bars alongside them in acceptance of them.

Drugging the drinks was rote, pedestrian in the turn of the century underground. Easily avoided roofying situations & complications with drinks. Heck, they used to shoot up the fruit pre-Palladium days.
But GHB mixed surreptitiously in water bottles? Wholly unexpected.
Lotta dudes got turnt Out with a lil GHB in a water bottle cloyingly passed to them, no idea where sudden whathaveyous were coming from. Traumatized years later because the body keeps the score & vestiges of assault come back. It was fucked up.
Blackmail is a trip.
But…Pay attention to where you play, is all.
With him? It was when the whole “make sure they have water… so they won’t get away~” asides started resurfacing on Conan that it was like ” …ah~”