I repeat: Donald Trump DID NOT WIN A MAJORITY OF THE VOTE. Most American voters voted AGAINST Donald Trump. Casts all this mess in a wholly different light AND explains the stupefied WTF? Silence after the exit polls. But I told y’all even then it was NOT 80% of white folks hating everyone else. I told y’all even then the numbers were higher among them than they were selling it on CNN
Why? The horror show kept most dialed in.
In comparison to how HAM I was on all of this, I really took the brunt of the last six weeks some semblance of “off”, dealing with plumes of folks who believed that 80% was real & gave their mess cover. I checked in December 12th, Electoral college deadline-wise but the JayZ stuff blew that reportage out of the water.
This Elon Musk trojan horse-ing tf out post Christmas got me to tune back in, but only momentarily.