There is something nefarious about the supposed ‘need’ of humanity to “always” have an anchor on which to focus their attention. & now that attention itself has officially become the end all be all commodity.
When you really look at so much of the so-called societal advancement in this sector it isn’t about advancement at all. It’s about delivery systems and separation from source.
People bemoaning how everyone is sucked into their phones now miss the uncanny valley that hits when you use the devices to look at old photographs of men in the 30s all sucked into their papers on trains.

In the 60s it was the same, a veritable army of gray flannel suits worn as the men all read the same things to have the same talking points… for the same water cooler conversations that went on across cities every weekday and was passed off to the masses as a definition of “life”.
This isn’t a new thing.
This is an old wine skin patched, repackaged and poured full of Al-Kuhl, psychological spirits fit for drowning the despair of this current age. It’s sold to the latest crop of those primed and pricked to numbness so as to stay awake whilst being crushed in the cogs like grapes for wine, their blood oil to soothe the machine as it runs rip-shod over all it can.
The skins of smartphones today are as slick with the attention sacrificed as the fingers of men used to be absently blackened with newsprint ink that nullified the will to live as it soaked into their flesh.
The intent is the same…suck you into the “world” being represented To you in B&W[ or zeroes and ones] however some sanctimonious cabal crafted the copy… in lieu of you truly taking in the HD technicolor going on around you, comprehending it and seeing where that took you. The clarion calls to tune in so as to be effectively tuned out from your true surroundings haven’t changed. The Leopard’s spots are still there as it is stalking its psychological prey.
But the real question then, as now, is Why?
Beyond the political, and the social staying in step with those around you for some semblance of community and cohesion…what it really going on with us?
Why have we so willingly latched onto the feed in every era?
Why does this binky in particular always find a way to exist?
…and what is it taking our eyes off of that is getting pilfered away from us as we scan and scroll?
For possible explanations in this day and age there’s always going to be that Archon angle hovering around.

That beings slightly beyond us are feasting off of our collective energy and it is easier to consume when we are all singing in the same negligent, low vibrational key.
Maybe they love getting us to amplify the worst of us because it theoretically should invalidate the divine breath we were filled with in lieu of them (if they were formed from breath instead of earth). Perhaps they exist suffering through a ferociously painful, communicable, tactile envy of the lives & keys humans were given. They could be doing all they can to ensure we waste the gift they’d literally not wanted until it was bestowed upon us in their faces.
The earth incessantly crying out in the throes of the homicidal dysphonia of humans destroying each other back down to spirit could be the ethereal realm’s opium or heroin, or worse.
& “as Above, So Below” style it’d low-key explain why so many humans here have been felled by both pharmaceutical companies & street fentanyl alike as of late…
We can even take that archon angle further and say that the reason for the rampant psychopathy, soiciopathy and narcissism is that the biblical scripture about the gods putting emnity btwn eve’s kids and the kids of the snake is literal.
The snakes[Sons of God who had kids with humans] produced strands of DNA with no ability whatsoever to effectively even BE fully human, even though eventually you couldn’t tell them apart at first glance.
But their ‘Bad even for their own literal environments’ behavior whilst wearing the sheath of humans…something that was once a tell… has in turn co-opted the concept of humanity itself, branding it with the worst, most callous things about them.
Think about the dead eyes.
What if each one of those who behave as such, humans with those achingly empty eyes are as such because in their literal genealogy there actually was some crossbreeding that went down …and they just made generation after generation of these unfeeling, empty callous beings who walked around like everyone else but needed a script to stick to in order to pass off as everyone else? Maybe their disdain isn’t disdain at all. Maybe it’s jealous outrage at living life with all the cards in their favor & still looking around at all these ‘things’ that were supposedly less than Them [according to everything they’d been told, assured, promised]…experiencing emotional highs & lows wholly alien to them.
It’d explain the push for all this tech to read emotions if a subset truly cannot be anything but narcissistic because the source of their DNA blocks them from the truly beautiful components of human existence on earth, no matter how much money they amass.
“The future of (actually)feeling is closer than we think.“
…nobody points out how entirely bizarre this push is. How strange for a human to approach feelings as something kept from it, as a nut to crack.
The “get on one accord” ness of it all just rings more false the older and wiser I am allowed /have decided to get.
…The parroting, the fake smiling… the false living- the vehement huddles- the terrorizing anything that seems to not have to jump through the hoops & over the hurdles just to appreciate baseline humanity…
What if its irksomeness is rooted in an archonic collapse, a system of control that God gave space to play out knowing it would fall in on itself and the threshing floor would take care of itself when it came to the wheat and the chaff?
But what if the archon wasn’t actually alien? What if it were just cast as other in ancient times, and eventually bought into an absence of humanity that was used to justify mistreatment of them…and they passed the behavior down, like a roast chopped off at both ends in 2025 to fit a pan tossed into the trash in 1927?
What if they can’t feel…solely because they believed it?
What if the true trauma was being violently Othered…in the very same way their progeny has ransacked the world othering everyone else in their image?
I mean, we can really run with this. Maybe Eve was known by the snake first. Maybe the fruit was the sex and she’d already been opened and seeded…and then went to Adam all “eat this” in a whole other way than they’d ever think to…
& same day…same egg… split… Cain & Abel…carried… Cain comes out killing according to what was said was going to be the incessant nonsense between the two lines… Cain’s line got Othered… and the Mark on the face was the …inverse…of what certain churches ….
If you really start reading into these tales we condone and cordon ourselves off with Gnostic Christian or Pagan Christian or whatever else we keep coming up with…
The catch, or the thing that underscores this entire train of thought is Vietnam, Cambodia…and everything that was allowed to run its course in that area of the world. In the past, there was the outlet of world wars where those in power could send the unripened new gods onto battlefields to sacrifice them… so as not to have to face them in their withering ages in the boardroom.
There was something the more numb lineages could go into and, ritualistically following scripts to the letter, be awarded for any inhumanity to man that roared out of their chests alongside or on the behalf of the elder power structure…that was simply killing off the pending wave of competitors to the ‘throne’ before they even understood there was one.
& in Vietnam and Cambodia, the moves that were made that were purely evil and kept from the masses as much as possible speak to a sadistic, empty-soul’d push for the option of experiential ahnihilation on the surface of the planet.
Without that outlet on option, with no more colonizing on offer…these killers who used to be able to be pointed at something to just murk the fuck out… are instead being pointed out to the FBI and then still allowed to run amok, with what should be devastating consequences that would make everything skid to a stop now having instead just become numerous, numbing and nullifying.
What if Musk is trying to point them to Mars because they literally need something to target & destroy to stave off destroying themselves? There’s nothing here that will sate that desire anymore. So they have fever dreams of destruction to keep them as close to “sane” as they can get.
…and what if it’s all built on a lie they’ve believed for at least 3 millennia now…that they don’t have the abilities we all have…because they were Othered as vehemently as they try to get back at everyone else by Othering?
It makes for…
What if-