& To be clear... I LOVE a good Blonde.

I've known many a good blonde in this f ureaking Benetton life lived crossing into the 21st century.

Some of the best bitches I have known, in many cases.

Because the only fuckers this society overtly and unabashedly sexualizes on par with Black women are Blonde chicks.

Real Blondes Amazon the fuck out with the best of US.

This is about bitches who are bad eggs.

Rotten to the fucking core.

Ruining it for everybody with their ugly-SOUL-rooted bullshit.

Cowards willing to take everyone to hell with them for company.

The ones who voted everyone else's bodily autonomy rights away out of stupidity.

Which are you is defined by the shit you do towards other women when you think you won't be outed for it.