This is the sexiest thing I’ve seen in a long Time|dear GOD (a clarification).

… it’s what he’s doing, HOW friggin cavalier he’s doing it and that freaking gloriously abominable amalgam of a French, Northern Italian and fn Brooklyn fuhgedaboutit accent that has me three sheets to the wind lol-

Happily drunk offa watching him cook, tossing things out the way lol…

… ever heard that phrase

that’s how they getcha

them, watching you get got~

They’re talking about this. Right here.

It’s the spirit of it~

When I say my men like to cook… this is the gregarious energy I’m talking about. He’s having a ball! Cameras there or not lol. I LOVE this.

What’s the point of a man who brings no joy to sustenance*? There’s gotta be SOME dish a motherfucker can make with actual childlike goofy Love to offer you as a whathaveyou! Even BBQ! Something that gets him grinning around open fires that isn’t sadism lol. I mean, come the fuck on😂!


…cheers, Chef Jean Pierre!

it’s not pornographic if it’s inspiring🤗

*the only jokers getting huffy about that there declaration are : 1) effete pseudo bougie, posturing assholes you shouldn’t be allowing to spew bland elan into or on yer nethers in tha first place~.
2)married jokers who shouldn’t even be (looking at this website🤨? ) bothered because they’ve locked down lovely ladies without the above culinary ” great dining experiences +AND+ sexy cooking” boundary in place. It’s so awkward. You’re in the clear! You’re not even allowed in the race! Unbunch yer panties, already! woowoowoo, sheesh~& please stop lurking. It’s so…creepy. AND Look at her! She’s right there, all “I don’t mind you can’t cook~” &you’re pissy over something she wouldn’t hold you to(as shown by fixating here)? Why are you pitching a fit, putting her through this?! It’s so narcissistically callous and cruel to her AND creepy.

& do you really think that if you Could do the above “magic kitchenery” knowing how to make ceviche would cancel your willingness to even Do that To a woman that shit out? Come on! It’s all how you cook, dude. All of it. It’s not about food. It’s about you finally realizing you’ve been encouraged to be a horrible human this whole time &lowkey not wanting to be that anymore.