Jenna on the DL “call me Vanity, if you’re nasty” Vance may just be …a trojan horse.

(No, not condom…for a …🐎, but after all that πŸ¬πŸ‘‰πŸ‘ŒπŸ–•πŸ» & πŸ›‹ πŸ‘‰πŸ‘ŒπŸ–•πŸ»…mess I can see why you immediately went there.)

I woke up onna sunny side of the street after beheading a motherfucking nuisance in a dream (Don’t ask lol)…and in the placid joy that was the dopamine-soaked aftermath of such ancient behavior I absently reevaluated that Trump ticket from a higher, darkly comic place.

What if The couch fucker isn’t Judas to whomever?

What if… He’s a Plant?

What if his earlier take was his closeted truth and, after watching the entire Republican party offer up sphincters and asscheeks to this moribund old man that is the epitome of everything worth hating in this society… he decided the only way to take this fucker down was from the inside, out?

He is technically on the last wisps of genX and it’s demented enough to suit our crazy asses… but just think about it.

He comes Out the gate beating his meat angrily at the Queen of Sheilas & Betty’s herself, childless cat lady extraordinaire Taylor Swift…poking the patron saint of the white women who’ve made incels suffer through a sexual bear market. THE one segment most up in arms about the overturning of Roe v Wade due to them actually having more abortions per capital, method of birth control-wise, & being the primary customer for IVF services … who is also historically known to be the least likely To vote, and of the ones who do, most likely to vote Against their interests.

That was his first consciously kicked hornet’s nest. & the rich white ladies are LIVID 😭😝😏.

(of course, it could also be chalked up to deep-seated ire that none of the blondes & brunettes he wanted to marry him politically could be bothered with his ass…& now he can wreak havoc on their civil liberties as a whole, DEi hired ,box checking wife-beard in tow.)

2.He wants parents to be able to steal the votes of their children. “Just until they are 18… But “which parent gets which vote, moron?” Has yet to be addressed Nor has the fact that, according to all these supposed single mother welfare baby lies these fuckers have proselytized from on high about for years, those moms would suddenly be imbued with all the power he’s publicly salivating over.

3. In a culture Of divorce, and by that default, step-families( because Β½ of these marriages ending in divorce are leading to β…” of that half remarrying) …This man opened his mouth on the national stage & went “Step parents ain’t shit-” between dainty sips of DIET Mountain Dew.

He couldn’t even pound the real strychnine in a can of the Mountain Dew of his supposed people, the dudes he cos-played/drag-kinged himself up the political ladder as to take his stabs at power.

IT….would… take this. To purge these old motherfucking weirdos. It’d HAVE to be a call coming from inside the fucking house. & it’d tickle the whole demented lot of us for any One of us to pull it off.

JD Vance having an indian wife is trumped by Kamala having an Indian momma WITH a jamaican black man, the blackest of black men with terrifying big πŸ† in this western hemisphere. At least according to the identity politics touting assholes voting Republican who were supporters of Herschel Walker & Tim Scott just to Say they voted for Black folks.

… But him having a kid named Vivek?

That this rubber glove betwixt and between cushions to approximate his vaginal whathaveyous (because safe sex, amiright?!lol)…

…this White King…couldn’t even name his firstborn son Derek or William, or Bifster according to the white supremacist rubric he’s supposedly rocking with…speaks volumes.

Add to that…

Who supposedly told Trump he’d be assassinated if he did NOT pick Vance 2wks before the staged attempt?

Tucker Carlson. A cuck? Yes. But a cuck who is on record openly hating the man with such comical derision that it’s hilarious, a cuck who went on a PR trip to Russia that got Him in the good graces of Don’s…don.

Who else is being implicated as the root of imploring Trump to pick Vance? His beleaguered, stupid, browbeaten, sodomized poor excuses for sons. Who he Notoriously disrespected publicly their entire lives. He listened to THEM? Really? Come the fuck on!

…But if he did~ & they took the one shot that the grown-assed 20 year old who winged him was hired to miss as THEIR ONLY MEANS OF ESCAPE from dear old Dad?

Omg! That’d be… very Roman empire-esque.

It’s all just weird enough…To give me the joy that gasping

“Oot!…nooooooooo~lolol! Biiiiiiiiiiiiiitch”

Can give.