JD Vance offering up his Indian wife instead of standing up to MAGA Loomer is

The purest expression and manifestation of the fear that Black fathers and uncles used to screech at their GenX liberated daughters in outrage at them (myself included) for dating outside of the Black community.

Nevermind how those in the community tried to treat those daughters that led them to loving themselves enough to go where simple love was showing up…behavior that those uncles and dads ignored.

The shorthand was “what if they call you nigger?!”

That was usually met with “what if he tries to bash my face in because he didn’t like my siddity friends? ” adjacent rebukes toe to toe that they angrily scoffed at.

Truth be told? I had never seen the scenario played out bluntly as it is being played out with JD Vance.

I was aware of fetishizing fucks to avoid et al. & not to fuck with cowards, no matter the melanin.

But that this weak as piss-beer pasty fuck of a twat shit that reads like a caricature of the beta of beta-EST cunk of a soy male wanting to slob off those positioned above him as “obviously fake alpha men “… showcasing that, grandad breaking the battle aside (in my case), that both I & my Dad were epistemologically correct is a TRIP.

What a fucking pantywaste JD Vance is.

So let me get this straight:

The top of the ticket is an 80 yr old racist, grifting, felonious, stupid, smelly, unrepentant multiple sex offender on record so many times riffing about his daughter’s tits he should be nailed to the wall by his balls for it, alone…

& his pick~ is this spherical sphincter of a man who is modeling for the entire world how worthless he is As the head of the family unit he’s supposedly running on the power of…against alllll the childless cat ladies….

& these TWO men… are hell bent on taking away women’s rights to bodily autonomy as the START of their villainous team arc~?

JD Vance would accuse a raped nun of asking for it, let alone treat his wife like she ruined His life if she was assaulted and Survived.

& THESE TWO… are the standard bearers of the Republican party in 2024?

Kinda like all the horrid shit we fought through and off us as American women coming up in the 90s was not just old, decrepit ways of outdated thought.

IT was the way these fuckers liked it. They were fine with illegitimate babies…& wire hangers having women bleeding out in alleys. They were fine with their inhumane behavior to those closest to them. That despotic regime was the equivalent of nuclear power, close to home. & every Republican standing in silent solidarity with these two would be fine with things going back to all that.

So they must be purged.

Vote blue down the line, indeed.