He had no internal gauge if he’d revealed his hand or not in those three hours to the ones he needs to keep in the dark-nationally- who listen to JRE. That all was the absence of his having a poker Face. Like the one he accused John Kelly of having. Who doesn’t play poker.
I do not believe he was successful with that gamble. Even from reading the comments ON the actual podcast alone, nevermind the pundits about to trip over themselves to blow this up.
You never would’ve predicted that post his “rully big show” ed Sullivan interview that for every 12 Magableats of adoration you’d read 2 or 3 “…why couldn’t he stay on topic?” “what the word salad?” posts from people who were heartbroken over feeling like they HAD to say it, would you? & that’s being nevermind about the obvious “yay! trump was a rambling idiot !!” comments.
…I think that’ll show up in the numbers unless mugs pride is too strong and they dig in their heels because they’ve gone this fat already.
So…even though~ JoRo… is kinda sfumatoey in the moment until he has the balls to drop his commentary and address allllllll the shit he DID NOT press to get answered, point out all the but How’s that were ignored… he can keep his flowers. If he wants. For now.
He WAS girlish… but a shady girl all the same lol. & the fucker still got threeeeeeee hours of coverage out of me(aggregated lol).