I know this is a crisis in LA…

but please (also) understand:

North Carolina hasn’t been “fixed” post Their hurricane. It’s just been dropped off of the news cycle. That winter inferno is on them & they’re in tents, begging FEMA to extend aid.

A week ago, 25% of Puerto was still in the dark(down from 93% on New year’s day).

I am pleading with y’all who are becoming more & more frustrated with the non-answers to stay positive because WE are ALL at a collective tipping point on the edge of a cliff that futile negative vibrations will run us all collectively off of.

Some of the shit…if you knew, in the explosive mental state you’re in, would decimate you. Just…

LOOK to the horizon line at all the fire fighters from EVERYWHERE charging in.

For US.

If you can’t focus on or see Any other incontrovertible truth or positive right now, use that.

Don't be spooked by the relative calm. Use it. I know it feels like anxiety...but for a lot of you that worrying sensation is just your "off-road Inner Guidance System" clicking on. Some of the shit that's about to be necessary you've forgotten the kid you knew how to manage through, or do.

Don't be dismayed...sit with it. Hear it out, whatever it is roaring inside of you. Weigh it. & then make the call.

You are the ONE thing you are in charge of in the end.

AngelBrynner, Sundaze 11.12.25

How can we be more prayerful in this? How can we grow in compassion for those who've been affected? How can we be of service? Individually and as a spiritual community... Stay boo'd up in the spirit of love, compassion and dynamic peace, not as a belief, but as an activity of our awareness, so we can be of service in the right place.

Michael B. Beckwith, today, on the wildfires

… little known fact:

The Punishers in Grievechronic are based wholly on a twisted riff of my love & respect for the thankless job firefighters do for the machine and for us without ever really getting their due. I even edited out all cheeky horndogging thaaat is evidence of the otha flank of my affection for their wild assed order fulla men who throw chicks over their shoulders and run outta burning buildings like Hades sons looking out for us…who also cook their asses off 😁. Because they CAN.

&they’re the flirtiest, blushgrinning most hot boys in every grocery store they descend on en masse, dangling off those f ureaking hot trucks , purely for the pleasures of tha ladies. In every city & small town in America. Only mofos more playfully eyefucking folks over their choice of tuna over salmon in tha aisles than me…is them, as a literal monolith. They are wild, ridiculous & it’s wonderful, and not one of’em better be harmed up there.

You've imagined crazier things that turned out to be true.

Put yer psychic shit to some good use, for fucks sake.

Said wearily, yet affectionately.

AngelBrynner, owning that she's a dark hippie lol, but an effective one.

...And while we are really giving it our all going hard at this RESTING tonight, for tomorrow...

can we ALSO ALL be sending up Fucking prayers of Serious PROTECTION around these motherfucking, God blessed to be crazy-assed, firewalking for real, frickin LITERAL Fire Tornado fighting Firefighters and First responders literally up in hell on earth in these hills risking their lives for ours? Seriously.

& for the cops catching these fn moronic wannabe arsonists and boxing them in or knocking them to the ground ?

Fuck yeah we can, we should and we shall, right? Good.