In mathematics, "delta" (represented by the Greek letter Δ) signifies "change" or "difference" between two quantities; essentially, it indicates how much a variable has changed in value, often used to represent the difference between a final and initial value of a variable.

Oh wow…a female enabler to a child groomer says grievechronic books- which start with adult survivors of child sexual abuse fucking slaughtering 24 of her enabling kind- are bad .

Talk about a fucking ‘bitches & moans’ book review I can use in 2025.

Ya should hate’em, Blanche.

Any murder sprees they incite are coming for you first & foremost, even more than the fn pedophiles you fuck with.

Stop protesting… before they put two & two together, ya dumb cunt.

&for fucks sake, fix your leak.

AngelBrynner, author of grievechronic, in response to kicked dogs telling her she did her fackin’ job to start the new year.

Wicked. Queer. Nightbitch. These are not just words Ben Affleck yells after he orgasms- these are some of the… incredible movies nominated tonight.

Nikki Glaser, making me love her against my will. Again.

The RFK one made me spit with laughter.