Wicked. Queer. Nightbitch. These are not just words Ben Affleck yells after he orgasms- these are some of the… incredible movies nominated tonight.

Nikki Glaser, making me love her against my will. Again.

The RFK one made me spit with laughter.

…ah got home after a great day & it’d been going on 88 minutes. Dedication is rewinding it and scrolling through to see what it do before getting to the live.

Nobody’s gonna top that. NO one.

…props given to this year’s color consensus. The colors are great on every skin tone.

Honorable mention to the “On your knees” hot priest😏~
…and shout out to Hiroyuki Sanada giving very demure in his velvet.

Talk about "Mine eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the Lawd!"

I mean ~ I always got it... but now iiiii get it! This is the Denzel in Book of Eli, Morris chesnut speaking my birth language moment.

( It'sa specificity, ah miii lol)

Holy Fuck, thaaat suit! It's ... that's gotta ...89% that's fn Sir Ozwald motherfucking Boateng.

The people come when you start embodying your passion. The energy you're in affects who you attract(and deflect).

Aaron Doughty

(Regardless of what is going on outside of you) The real issue...is how You...are relating to the issue.

Demi Moore

Be Open to the possibility of resonating with people who enter your life.

Aaron Doughty